What to say if JW tells you the big A is coming very soon, Jehovah's day will come here like a thief? etc..

by Iamallcool 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    How about asking them to open their Bible to Rev.22 : 20 ? We have been waiting two thousand years !Would you say arriving here in 1914 was quick ? and you still havent got anything right these last 99 years .


  • steve2

    I would say:

    "Sh*t man, surely not another Armageddon. The last one came in 1975 - we're only 38 years into Christ's 1,000 year reign! I'm just getting used to the endless peace and security... Give me a break for Christ's sake!!"

  • watson

    Jehovah has his own day?? And how will it be remembered? My kind a guy.

  • Satanus

    Remind them about dueternomy, where it says not to listen to false prophets. Then list some of the wt false prophecies.


  • Tameria2001

    I wouldn't say anything, let them believe what they want. It would never do anything to say something about it to them. To me trying to explain it to a JW would be like taking a rubber ball and throwing it against a brick wall. It would bounce off of them, and they would look at you with this blank expression, and they just would not get it. I tried to explain it once to my mom, and it was like that. They won't want to hear it, until they are ready.

  • jookbeard

    have a little bet with them, say I bet we'll all be here this time next week? then this time next month?, then this time next year?, then this time in 10 years time?, then bet we'll be here this time in 20 years time?, easiest money you can make

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