by SPAZnik 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • SPAZnik

    Today my best friend from the borg called me!

    I've been officially out for almost a year now.
    No contact with former "friends" & "family".
    (just my mom checks up on me now and then,
    fishing for info on my "activities"
    I think hoping to live vicariously thru me
    and trying to "do" nice things for me
    like she can "nice" me back into the "fold"
    (I wondered whether someone would call to try and guilt me
    into coming to the Memorial, but thankfully noone did...
    it helps that i'm so private, very few really know how to reach me). *spoken to xfiles theme song haha*

    TODAY I got this message on my vm
    and my heart was justa thumpin'
    as i listened to my friend
    who (or it is whom) I haven't talked
    to in what feels like forever

    she is speaking in this whispery voice

    (a grown woman acting like we are a couple of teenagers who
    are "grounded" from talking to each other or something - *giggle*)

    saying she's been thinking of me and missing me
    and that this may be silly
    but she wants to go for a drink with me and chat
    ...if i wanna call her back

    My first reaction
    (after I jumped for joy
    and peeled myself off the ceiling)
    was to analyze the possibility
    that this could be some sort of
    "set up" to try and guilt me into
    coming back.
    But I quickly rated the possiblity as
    slim to nil, she just doesn't operate
    that way....she has always been totally anti-guilt.

    This is
    someone I've known since childhood
    and have been extremely "tight" with
    for about the last 7 years
    through one helluva lotta stuff in both our lives.
    She is the most beautiful person,
    inside and out.

    When I left,
    she was really "balanced" about the whole thing
    and didn't presume to judge me.
    At a time when everyone was telling me
    to "hurry back",
    she in a wisdom beyond her years
    actually told me "don't hurry back".
    She has family in and out of the borg
    and i think this is where her
    insight and balance comes from.

    I had many "friends" in the borg
    but Honest to gawd, she is the only person i have missed.

    When I first left she would still
    send me little hello emails and
    check on my welfare.
    Not having free access to each other
    was tuff though and it killed me to feel
    like by leaving I was abandoning
    such a sweet & true friend.
    (these feelings self imposed, nothing she ever said)

    Our contact dwindled though,
    I think cuz it caused her guilt feelings,
    and I didn't want to make her feel that way.
    So I sort of keep her posted by chatting with
    her non jdub fleshly bro every so often
    and leaving it to him to let her know
    how i am, when and if he thinks appropriate.
    In fact, the last time i talked to him,
    i did tell him that she was the only one i miss.
    Maybe that's what motivated her to call.

    So. I bit the bullet and returned her call.
    I figured that would give me a better
    feel for what really motivated her call,
    and it was soooo unbelievably great to hear her
    voice again!

    We talked for about 20 minutes on a work break
    she almost sounded apologetic that she hasn't talked
    for me in a long time...almost like she was nervous that
    I wouldn't accept her call...she asked me how i am
    but she didn't push for details or anything...
    and for the most part she sounded like she
    just reeeeeeally needed to vent
    (like some good ol' times)
    and she kept saying "Ooh, there is so much more
    I want to tell you but there isn't time"
    (cuz my break was over)
    so we made a tentative date to go
    for drinks sometime next week.

    It was so great to talk to my
    sweet friend again, just like we used to.

    The conversation flowed as comfortably as though
    not a day has passed since we last spoke.

    She's still a jdub tho and we both know
    that she could get in "trouble"
    for speaking to me, let alone
    going for drinks!

    I'm a little psyched out
    (or afraid?) though
    about meeting up with her.
    I mean, what if someone sees her with me?
    (well, i guess we could rendezvous at my place hehe)

    This feels so covert though,
    and I hate that.
    I'm not as worried about me,
    as i am about her. I'm concerned about
    all the possibilities
    surrounding this.

    I mean, it's insane all the "what ifs"
    that are flying around in my head...
    what if she comes and then feels guilty
    and goes again.
    Can I handle that again? And if so,
    Is it worth it? (i think yes!)


    Has anyone been through something like this?
    What could this do to me and to her psychologically?
    I'm afraid of being the reason she feels guilty.

    I am also well aware that
    even though it feels like the good ol' days,
    things HAVE changed....and I might have to sort of
    "censor" my conversations with her now to omit the
    things i don't want leaked to the jdubs.

    Also, I have changed a lot in the last year,
    i think for the better, (but then, I may be biased heeee)
    what will she think.

    This is a little tuff. I repeat: Yikes.

    I'm sure I'll calm down about it,
    (and analyze it to death til i've decided how i feel and how i'll approach this whole thing), but in my spazziness, i thought i'd welcome any insights you all may have on the subject.


  • b_ster

    Hey dude... Take a day... Then go meet her!

    You just have to!

  • patio34

    B-r-e-a-t-h-e and realize you're not dealing with the Gestapo...er, right? I hope you go and enjoy yourself and have a wonderful time.

    Good luck!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    She's your old buddy. You've GOT to go see her. You've got to let her know that she is welcome in your apostate world, and that YOU do not shun people. If she goes Dub on you, you'll know, unless she slips you a ruffie and you wake up on the podium in the Kingdom Hall giving the Sunday talk. If that happens you're screwed, man.

    - Nathan Natas, UADNA
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • Rags

    Hey..go meet her!! I have JW friends....i was never baptized but i was totally raised JW and very much pressured to get baptized but didnt.
    The JW friends i have are mostly the ones that are in it but dont really want to be but cant face leaving. I love talking to them..they can vent with me..and then they say..".please dont tell nobody about this...or thank god i could tell you this..if they knew they would kick me out@!"

  • peaceloveharmony

    hey nik, i also say go meet her and have fun! something like this happened to me a few years ago. i got home from work and there was a message from my best friend whom i hadn't talked to in about 6 yrs due to my disassociation. well, i was like you, jumping around and just so very happy that she finally contacted me! when we met in person for the first time in so many years, she let me know she was having doubts about jws and she missed me so much she just couldn't do the shunning thing anymore. at first, i was worried about people seeing us together since i didn't want her to get into trouble. after months of hanging out and keeping it from my mom and her keeping it from her parents, we both let our families know we were hanging out again. so far no problems and she's an inactive jw now. so maybe your friend needs someone to talk to that she knows she can trust? from what you've said that is what it sounds like to me! i wish you luck and i hope your meeting goes well :) keep us posted eh?


  • TheStar

    Did you go meet her?

  • Adonai438

    I agree
    She's a true friend and who knows-- maybe she's looking for some answers you might be able to help her with. At any rate you owe it to the both of ya to at least see her. Be discreet if she wants it to be-- it's not being covert or sneaky- just private

  • SPAZnik

    Hey Peoples...
    tonight i meet up with her...
    I will keep ya posted (probably after the weekend)

    Thx 4 all your comments!


  • SPAZnik


    (My apologies for taking so long
    to update...life's so funfilled
    now i rarely find enough time
    to hang out with all my fellow
    cyber-worldlings haha )

    so anyway..
    The "meet" went very well!!
    We went to this great restaurant
    and enjoyed dinner and drinks
    and gabbed.

    She is as sweet & beautiful as ever.
    And the conversation picked up
    as if no time at all had gone by.

    She told me right off the bat
    that she feels fine to see me
    and the reason being is that people (read jdubs)
    see their da'd and df'd family
    and as far as she is concerned
    I am part of her family.

    I just looked at my beautiful friend
    and thought, "whatever works for you".

    We had a great visit.

    And at the end, she was the one to mention
    that in comparing her comments and mine,
    I appear to be the happier one of us.

    I didn't reply. I felt sad that her
    circumstances have her sad...
    and i thought it was really neat
    that she was taking note of that sort of
    thing and glad that my contentment/happiness
    shone through and spoke for itself.

    I'm glad i went. It wasn't an inquisition
    or anything negative. It was worth it and now
    we are 'in touch' a little bit here and there
    which is way better than the 'no contact' that
    was happening b4. kewl!!

    Thanks again for all of your support!!


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