Is it WHAT you believe that is it HOW?

by Terry 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry


    "Is your cup half full or half empty?"

    "Well, depends on whether you just poured something out or poured something in."

    The cup half empty is usually regarded as a test of people's pessimism or optimism. But, I would assert it is a clue to an important principle.

    Quality of life is a real and revealing indicator of the effectiveness of one's beliefs.

    There are people of faith who cannot allow themselves happiness, for example. They view christianity as a crown of thorns to be borne in misery and self-chastisement. Proving their own endurance is their purpose like monks who dwell in damp and drafty cells and who submit to scourging with a whip. Faith is a crucible.

    What is at work here?

    What we know immediately changes into HOW we deal with what we know. Otherwsie, what we know is totally useless as a dusty book on a shelf.

    Duty does not bring joy.

    When it comes to religious beliefs: we have a program running.

    When it comes to family, spouse, children, work, health: there are programs running.

    What we believe is best often differs a great deal from how we actually behave.

    "I shouldn't eat this dessert...."

    "I really don't need to be spending money on this right now...."

    "I ought to go get a check-up but..."

    BELIEF is totally worthless unless there is an integrity connected to the behavior which follows.

    The evil of the Jehovah's Witness lifestyle is the awful disparity between all that talk about TRUTH and the bland, burdensome lives they lead!

    The promise given newly inducted baptised dedicated publishers is that their lives will take on a purpose that leads to everlasting life of fulfillment with Jehovah's organization supplying support and strength.

    The dismal reality is that all their lives will consist of is an endless list of WHAT they must do next. They will be straitjacketed with duty, repression, forced activity, monitoring and precious little downtime for relaxation and recharging.

    The JW lifestyle will drain away their finances, their leisure, their education and their social identity. It will subject their children to deprivations as they give up one thing after another which would have made them fully functioning members of their neighborhood, school and community. Instead they are square pegs left out of round holes. The family of humanity is denied to them! Why? They cannot live a good life with others because of "beliefs" and "truth".

    What is wrong with this picture???

    HOW they live will deteriorate into a public spectacle of holier-than-thou perfectionisms brought on by an obsessive focus on WHAT MUST BE DONE to please Jehovah.

    The sorrow and the pity of RELIGIOUS BELIEFS comes when the believer makes a fetish out of arguing over them--instead of--practising

    goodness, kindness, self-control and benevolence!

    Left turn here? No, right turn! That is what leads to splits, shifts, divisions, sects and denominations.

    In colonial times, you could be hanged if you didn't attend church services on Sunday! Can't argue with that one can you? Nope. It was time to move to another location and start your own congregation where staying home on Sunday didn't carry with it the death penalty!

    The list of controversies has always been an endless exuse for divisions.

    By the year of the Council of Nicea, 325 A.D. the heads of congregations all over the Roman Empire met together and compared scars, wounds, and arguments for the purpose of agreeing on something unifying. Eusebius makes it quite clear in his history of that meeting how much dissent, disagreement, violent controversy and utter disparity was already rife in "christianity."

    There is not now and there NEVER HAS BEEN one thing which is "TRUE" Christianity. Christianity is a kaleidoscope of opinions and practices.

    SO WHY MAKE A FETISH out of arguments?

    HOW YOU TREAT PEOPLE demonstrates who you are more than all the beliefs and truth that ever existed!

    Try this test: when you think of Jesus Christ do you think of the way he treated people or all the mysterious things he taught?

    If you love him is it for his intellectual grasp of hidden truth--or is it because he healed the blind and made the crippled walk?

    That should tell you a great deal about yourself and your grasp of HOW instead of WHAT.

  • *lost*

    nice one terry, this is really good

  • JamesThomas

    Terry, you certainly have a way with words. Your posts are often exquisitely insightful and poetic. Sometimes I wonder if you get any sleep at night with the wheels of your mind churning so.

    I think that what you are getting to is similar to what I have always felt. Basically, that beliefs and dogma are just a scrapes of weaved together counterfeit thoughts and ideas, that have no validity in regards Reality (what you expressed as: “a kaleidoscope of opinions and practices...a fetish..made out of arguments”).

    What does matter, amounts to one thing: how we treat each-other and all life and planet.

    Our minds can create grand beliefs and religions, but it all comes down to the genuine love, caring and kindness that we actively give to each-other, nature and our beloved earth.

    Beliefs are false. Actions are real.

  • d

    I agree that religious people have to really convince themselves of miracles and faith because deep down it does not make any sense to the average person. I agree Terry a lot.

  • Terry

    Beliefs are false. Actions are real .

    Eloquently pithy!

    I get to wondering.....what if we DIDN'T discuss doctrines......ever!??

    How would that harm God?

    How would it make us worse?

    Did the apostles and disciples really go around picking doctrinal fights?

    Paul seemed to think all he needed to know was "Christ crucified."

    But, the test of the true faith is "LOVE among themselves."

    How do you demonstrate love hashing out hell or no hell, trinity or no trinity, immortality of the soul, holidays, etc?

    This is the mean-spirited canard of JW's that LOVE is not at all as important as putting neat little memorized factoids on a dusty shelf in our head!

    God cannot be anything understood by people who actually think they DO.

  • JamesThomas

    " God cannot be anything understood by people who actually think they DO."

    Jesus, or any truly enlighten mystic, could not have said it any better.

  • Terry

    I'm in the last stage of human development when I am compelled to discard everything (well, not every-thing) I have previously held to be

    unassailable truth.

    Why did it happen?

    I started actually thinking about the things I think about instead of KNOWING that I knew.

    Once you believe a thing to be true---thinking about that thing simply DIES.

    It all started years ago when I read the following quotation. It was simple. So simple--but, it was saying "think about what you think you KNOW about."

    Here is the quotation:

    "It is the concept of original sin that negates morality.

    If man is guilty by nature, he has no choice about it.

    If he has no choice, the issue does not belong in the field of morality.

    Morality pertains only to the sphere of man's free will -- only to those actions which are open to his choice.

    To consider man guilty by nature is a contradiction in terms."

  • Terry

    See above.

  • JamesThomas

    "I'm in the last stage of human development when I am compelled to discard everything (well, not every-thing) I have previously held to be unassailable truth."

    There is a “path” (called: the pathless path) to opening to a conscious awareness of our foundational truth, that suggests this same process of discarding.

    The preface is that the paramount truth, the wisdom and knowing that we seek -- is present, here, now. What good is a “truth”, if it is absent?

    For truth to be truth it must be valid, alive and undeniable when embraced and beheld.

    So then, the instruction is to be still, in mind and body, and too deeply and sincerely ask:

    Who am I/What is True???

    Second preface of this, is exactly what Terry expressed as I posted above...but one tiny step further with no holding back and that is an understanding that EVERYTHING we hold to be “true” about self and universe is a lie....and so discarded. Completely let go of. Gone.

    We then enter into the deep unspeakable sense of the question of “Who am I”; totally naked and bare of everything. We are a blank slate. A void. Empty. Nothing to hinder, nothing to filter, nothing to taint, the pure light of Truth to enter and so be seen and known.

    Take away everything the mind has ever pronounced to be fact, take away every memory, every thought, every spoken or heard word, every sense sensation, and step into nothingness, and what remains? What is TRUE? How deep does it go?

    The only thing that stops our seeing, is thoughts and beliefs.

  • A.M. Number 1
    A.M. Number 1

    Abandon belief for direct experience.

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