The Al-Gore Heuristic for reasoning on climate change

by bohm 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • mP

    The earth has warmed a fraction of a degree in the past century. Anybody who tells you its hotter today than 50 years is of course completely over the top because the change is infinitely small.

  • Satanus


    Youre getting getting off track, buddy.


  • besty


    125K years ago before any industrial revolution much of the ice melted at the poles -- ice core samples show this.

    Do you accept the conclusions (on human-caused global warming) of the scientists involved in the most recent Greenland ice core project?

    I think what I disagree on is the idea that we should regress as a society.

    Not sure what this means - please elaborate.

    We need to accept the reality that things change even without any influence from us and we have no choice but to adapt.

    Are you saying human activity can't alter global climate?

  • mP


    Im personally not going to question their observations, that would be silly. However there are countless charts available from weather services that show its been getting warmer at a relatively constant rate for a few hundred years now. The problem is believers forget this very important fact.

    Lets not forget that Greenland was warmer just a few hundred years ago, thats how the vikings managed to live there. Then it got colder and they died out, and now its getting warmer yet again.

  • mP

    We need to accept the reality that things change even without any influence from us and we have no choice but to adapt.


    Are you saying human activity can't alter global climate?


    Lets be honest about our relative size relative to the world and universe. The real problem is pollution. The amount of plastics, poison and so on being leeched into the environment is not healthy but nobody wants to talk about this because there is no solution and theres no opportunity to tax.

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