What do you think a witness would say when shown this quote?

by BU2B 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • BU2B

    What do you think a witness would say when shown this quote, then the proof of the 1914, 1925 predictions?

    "True, there have been those in times past who predicted an "end to the world," even announcing a specific date. Yet nothing happened. The "end" did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing? Missing from such people were God's truths and the evidence that he was guiding and using them." Awake! 1968 Oct 8 p.23

    What could they say to this?! THey admitted that by their own definition they are a false prophet! Should I even bother with this quote to show my wife?

  • goatshapeddemon

    Wow. Good quote.

  • LostGeneration


    Yeah you have a point there. Airtight logic it would seem. But it doesn't apply to them for some reason.

    You can't "show" them anything, otherwise they question your motives. Your wife is pretty hardcore if I remember, correct me if I'm wrong. You have to have her stumble across it somehow, which is a trick in and of itself. Even then, if they are heavily indoctrinated and have a lot to lose (JW family) it still won't mean a damn thing to them.

  • fresh prince of ohio
    fresh prince of ohio

    Most would just turn tail and run.

    The ones who might try to address it, are the ones that are capable of jumping through mental hoops to such a hopeless degree that, well, you might as well forget it.

  • irondork

    Add this one to your mix:

  • Crazyguy

    Good stuff.

  • BU2B

    Wow Irondork, that was amazing!

    I was riding around in the van packed with 6 people doing ahem cough cough "calls" aka Burger King (Believe me I wont be doing even that much longer, just trying to get my financial affairs together if the SHTF when I announce I will not be going to anymore Meetings/service) anyways, the subject of this lesson came up in the cargroup and stumbling etc was discussed. A couple of them seemed to take some offence to the "percieved" word, since they knew they had been wronged in the past. I joked that yeah, sometimes you know you have been targeted but people want to make it seem its all perception, make you think you are crazy. They all pipe in with the false premise that since Jesus is in charge, he will straighten it out.

    I thought to myself all day, there isnt a religion out there that cant use the same logic to make their followers shut up and take any abuse heaped on them. Dont insist on your rights they say, wait on Jehovah and Jesus they say. What religion couldnt use the Jesus sees all and will take care of it all in due time to apply to them too? Its a good way to keep people calm and keep them from stirring the pot. However it all comes from the thought stopper that this is Gods org in the first place!

    Anyways my other half pipes up and says yea its like, just because tou see something wrong does not mean you should switch religions, (its like she was telling herself that) Aaron and the golden calf came up (dont ask me how lol) and I asked because he was the high priest, the religious authority would you follow him then? I said you have to follow what you know is right in those situations, not follow a person just because they are in charge.

    I brought up the Pharisees. They were the representatives of Gods ""organization"" at the time, would you follow them because they were the religious leaders at the time claiming to have divine backing or would you follow Jesus?

    I brought up the prophets in apostate Israel. If the king and the high priest etc all sacrificed the children to Baal, Molech etc, should a person have followed them, the leaders claiming to speak for Jehovah, the "organization" or would you do what was right?

    All of them, my wife included could do nothing but agree.

    I hope this can help them all to think a little. The point I was trying to get across was that blind obedience is dangerous as is following imperfect men above following what the Bible says.

    Also I hope the fact that gods "appoited channel" has a tendency to go sour sinks in

    I know it may not be much, but I try to help JWs think where I can.

  • Ding

    I have shown the quote in the OP to a number of JWs.

    As far as I am aware, it only impacted one of them.

    He DAd after seeing all the false prophecies.

    Most JWs will simply not apply the WT's quote to the WTS itself because the WT religion is "the truth" and the quote only applies to false religion.

    Circular reasoning and hypocrisy, to be sure.

    At the first sign of criticism of the organization, the mind control kicks in.

    They question your motives and conclude that Satan is trying to get them to doubt the truth.

    They ignore what you showed them and feel good about having passed another loyalty test.

  • blondie

    1) That is old, before my time, I need to see a current statement.

    2) Unless you have it in a bound volume taken from the KH Library in their sight, "that's an apostate fake of the magazine."

    3) Even then I have had jws say that an apostate snuck it in the Library at some time

    4) It is a 1968 Awake which is not on the WT-CD

    5) Even if it is in the personal library of a jw they trust, see 2 and 3

    They will never apply it to the WTS. You could plant a seed of doubt and they might start investigating secretly, but it might take a few years.

    I did not realize the 1925 prediction because it was not in my family's personal library nor the KH one. It took the Proclaimers book to open my eyes.

  • *lost*

    irondork good one

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