Wow, the crap that they will believe....

by okage 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Exactly ADCMS, that damn 100 year war [1337-1453 ?] happened before 1914, that's why you never see that one in a WT.

    I was just watching a documentary that said the French Revolutionary [1792-1815 ?] war was technically the FIRST world war since it was fought world wide in every territory belonging to either country, including the colonies [U.S.A].

  • redvip2000

    My indoctrinated mother believes that you cannot cut your hair after eating, or take a shower.

    She also believes that when you die, the government looks over all your expenses related to national healthcare, and takes your assets to repay itself.

    Ahhh the delusion...

  • fizzywiglet

    My JW little sister is like that. She would forward EVERY chain-letter, EVERY "joke" email, EVERY hoax, etc. To her ENTIRE email list - everyone in the congregation, her family, friends, coworkers, etc. Not to mention those JW "experience" and "urban legend" emails.

    It all came to a head when she forwarded a couple hundred people (including me) that incredibly stupid "Microsoft will pay you $245 for each person you forward this email to NO REALLY IT WAS TOTALLY ON THE NEWS!" chain email. I sat her down and was like, "This is Snopes. You need to check Snopes. You need to stop spamming people with everything. It's rude, and irritating, not to mention what you sent them was completely false. You need to JUST STOP. Seriously, you're 22 years old; how could you possibly believe this is a real thing? You should apologize to all of the people you just forwarded this hoax to. You do not need to auto-forward everything you receive to everybody you know."

    Yeah, she got hysterical and started crying and screaming at me. She did not apologize to anybody. She kept forwarding hoaxes and chain emails and pyramid schemes. And then she got scammed by somebody in Nigeria who wanted to buy a desk she listed on Craigslist, and all she had to do was cash his fake money order and send him back the difference and the desk...(no, lest you ask, she did not question why somebody in Africa wanted to buy a cheap mass-produced Ikea desk from L.A.)

    You get the picture. They're gullible, and often kind of crazy. And they don't take constructive criticism well. The trifecta.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "She also believes that when you die, the government looks over all your expenses related to national healthcare, and takes your assets to repay itself."

    I think your mom is confusing the government with what the WT actually does when it takes family inheritances.

  • LisaRose

    Fizzywiglet, I've known people like that as well, it isnt unique to dubs, although they seem more gullible than most. Someone I barely knew start forwarding me that stuff. I would reply (just to her), explaining the facts, but the stupid just kept coming. She sent me something about how they took "in God we trust" off of the dollar coin. They were telling people to not accept the coins, because this country was (que the patriotic music) founded on Christian values and the founding fathers intended for the coins be inscribed with "in God we trust". I investigated and learned this was a hoax, for a short time they moved it to the edge of the coin, but it had been already put back on the front. I replied to her, and copied the other thirty people. I told her not only was it a hoax, many of the founding fathers were atheists, believed in the separation of church and state, and that that term wasn't put on until the civil war. That stopped the e emails finally.

    Some people believe what they want to believe, facts are irrelevant to them.

  • fizzywiglet

    I started replying to friends who mass-forwarded crap to me with one word: "Unsubscribe". It seemed to do the job.

  • outsmartthesystem

    As we've learned already......JWs have had their critical thinking skills taken from them. It is no wonder that many of them get caught up in get rich quick schemes and internet medical quackery. If it was told to you by a respected MUST be true!

  • snare&racket

    If you find yourself unable to answer a question about your belief systems claims, keep coughing until help arrives.....

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    You get the picture. They're gullible, and often kind of crazy. And they don't take constructive criticism well. The trifecta.

    Ain't that the truth

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    You get the picture. They're gullible, and often kind of crazy. And they don't take constructive criticism well. The trifecta.

    Ain't that the truth

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