if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either

by biometrics 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • biometrics

    For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either. (2 Thess. 3:10)

    How many witlesses actually take this scripture to heart and apply it in their lives. Here in Australia there's quite generous unemployment/disability payouts, and of all the working age, abled bodied witnesses I know/knew, a large proportion of them partake of welfare. Instead of seeking work, they go 'pionieering'. Meanwhile they're placing the burden of their sustenance upon the reset of society, seemingly without a care in the world.

  • jam

    I thank that scripture apply to those JW,s that make it

    into paradise. LOL

    Their work today, preaching by any means possible.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I thought here in Australia you weren't allowed to pioneer if you were on New start aka unemployment. You can with disability though- if you're able bodied enough. I know a sis who pioneers on disability, but she's usually so zonked from the pain and meds her hubby does all the work. I also heard of a guy who began pioneering on work cover.

    But straight unemployment, unless you've just lost your job, does not allow you o pioneer ie go on the dole and pioneer!

  • zound

    Yeh, I'm Australian - whilst it probably happens, the dole is generally frowned upon by JW's.

    They expect pioneers to put in 90 hours a month as well as clean toilets or wash windows to support themselves.

  • LouBelle

    So really want to work in the profession I know well - can't get a job. So, I settled for something else - I hoped it was going to be enjoyable at least, or busy or ... something...alas - I hate it here, but stick it out because I have too.

    More focused on the JW point - I don't know that they actually care! Jahobah will take care of them.

  • ssn587

    It several congregations I attended, there were some who were on welfare and at the same time pioneering, they were in my estimation no good lazy asses who could have been working, and yet they were living off the tax payers while out preaching their nonsense about and for the society and thought at the same time they should be looked up to because they were pioneering. despicable people to say the least.

  • Jomavrick

    Well the current state of affairs in the United States with the explosion of benefits for food stamps, unemployment benefits and disability, the common person is losing the normal incentive to work. It seems easier to stick your hand out and have "Uncle Sam" take care of you. Oh and Obesity is rampant in this country too by the way.

    In another age, when during the "depression", people were trying to survive, just trying not to starve. The best incentive to work is being hungry. How many households that are getting welfare in this country have computers, internet, cell phones cable tv,,,,, Not really starving are they?

    Sorry off topic a little, but this country is a mess,,,,,

  • brinjen

    I'm not sure how financially feasible it is to receive unemployment and pioneer at the same time anymore. The dole really isn't much at all... living off it myself and definitely not by choice, I am trying to obtain employment and am spending a lot of hours each doing so... on top of researching a few ideas to create employment for myself through my digital artwork... the artwork side takes up around 40 hours a week alone.

    My point... you can't just claim unemployment and try for a couple of jobs a week anymore. Those days are gone. You need to prove that you are spending a reasonable amount of time trying to obtain work and doing pretty much anything within your reach. They won't settle for less anymore.

  • brinjen

    Jomavrick... computers, internet and cell phones are all pretty much essential tools for job search nowadays. Everyone expects you to be contactable at the drop of a hat. More and more employers are not accepting any resumes or even enquiries in person anymore. They simply direct any wishing to apply to 'go to their website and apply online'. It's also becoming more and more the most direct way to find out who is hiring in the first place.

  • outsmartthesystem

    I know many that are on welfare too. It really pisses me off when you hear someone talk about how they can't wait for jehovah to bring this world and its evil governments to an end........and then that person goes back to his government subsidized apartment.

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