How to Recognize Counterfeit Christian Religions

by smartwater 86 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LV101

    mP -- now why would Jesus exclude Matthew the tax collector --- he came to save the sinners and Matthew changed his course. I'll read back and see if I find answer above in tax info.

  • Satanus

    Jesus said that his followers would be able to do what he did and more. Therefore, if people professing to be his followers can't do what he did and more, they must be fake.


  • cyberjesus

    Thats easy.... All of them

  • mP


    mP -- now why would Jesus exclude Matthew the tax collector --- he came to save the sinners and Matthew changed his course. I'll read back and see if I find answer above in tax info.


    Im not sure why you say jesus exlucded Matthew the tax collector. I never said he did in my arguments. I was however trying to show that Jesus doesnot consider tax collectors to be traitors which was the bassic feeling of the jews against such people. Jesus is actually again making a political statement by selecting a tax collector and calming down the anger his jewish brethren would have felt against such a person.

    One must remember that taxation didnt pay for social programs the way it does today. Basically tax was extortion back then. The state didnt give free education, hospitals, and so on. You basically paid tax to the state so they could pay soiders who then strengthened the system that was extorting you in the first place.

    However i am wondering why the gospels repeat taxation so frequently but never have time to condemn a real social hell like slavery.

    You can see for yourself that the scripture i have selected are but a few. Its not hard to find more of your own. Why is Jesus so worried about fixing things to help the rich Romans and completely forgets about condemning slavery ? This just sounds completely outrageous for someone supposedly a champion of the poor and weak. It does however sound like he is a Roman stooge. Of course if you can explain this interesting quandry i would be most interested.

  • LV101

    mP --- thanks. The oppression of the weak/poor (and humans' suffering in general) is heartbreaking and distressing. I guess he was definitely making it a point his purpose/focus was the good news of his kingdom.


  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    villagegirl: " You must be so proud of yourself for how perfect you are, and sweet too. "

    Don't be so modest. it's because you bring out the best in everyone you encounter.

  • mP


    mP --- thanks. The oppression of the weak/poor (and humans' suffering in general) is heartbreaking and distressing. I guess he was definitely making it a point his purpose/focus was the good news of his kingdom.


    Well he spent a lot of time talking about paying tax and being a good slave aswell. The shame is, most of his teachings would have been welcomed to help the Romans with their troubles with the poor who were angry and tired of their cruetly and greed. The NT never criticizes the Romans once. In fact in John the jews are blamed for killing Jesus which is stupid because we all know the Romans executd him. Add up all the hints and messages and there can only be conclusion.

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