How to Recognize Counterfeit Christian Religions

by smartwater 86 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smartwater

    By their fruits you will know them. A good tree (religion) does not bear bad fruit, neither can a rotten tree bear good fruits.

    True faith IS followed by good fruits/works.

    Dead faith IS followed by bad works or no works at all.

    30 Bad Fruits/Works of Counterfeit Christian Religions

  • Fernando

    Why does the "true religion" secretly blind its followers to the "Good News" according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?

  • nonjwspouse

    Since Jehovah's Witnesses partake in blood fractions derived from whole blood donated by "Christiondom", ( not by JW's) then why are those JWs not "bloodguilty"?


    Blood is LIFE GIVING just as stated in your own link. Life giving is the purpose.

  • jgnat

    It looks too much like a list of cherry-picked doctrines just like the Witnesses use. They declare the rest of Christendom false by way of a similar list.

    I prefer the Nicene Creed which is simpler, shorter. There is also no talk of the anti-Christ. I don't like using fear as a motivator. If a church follows the Nicene Creed they are Christian. If not, they are something else. Using this definition, the Catholic and Protestant denominations are all Christian. The Unitarians would not be Christian by this definition. They are something else. But they are very, very nice.

    There is another model to determine if a religion is abusive or not, not related to creed. (See Steve Hassan's BITE model). It is important to separate doctrine from behavior because it is possible that a church follow conventional doctrine but apply it in a singularly abusive way. Westboro Baptist Church comes to mind.

  • LostGeneration

    Wow, a list of 30 rules and regulation to restrict the freedom of others.

  • DesirousOfChange

    30 Bad Fruits/Works of Counterfeit Christian Religions

    Always much easier to point the finger at where others are wrong than do a self examination of oneself.


  • smartwater

    @NonJWspouse---No it is not hypocrisy. When someone fornicates or commits adultery and give birth to a child, they have given life, but does that mean God approve of the way in which the life was given? Of couse not! Christians are admonish to abstain from blood, the blood of every sort of flesh. JWs who accept blood fractions are not taking in blood, a fraction is not blood. If a protein was used and the blood destroyed JWs do not see a problem with that, but Christendom donates and cause people to use major blood components. Jehovah's Witnesses do not want to see their members die when there are advances in medicine that is available to them.

    If accepting blood fractions causes some to stumble, JWs are admonish to not take any fractions. But again it is up to each individual to decide for themselves and their loved ones whether they want to accept a fraction which the religions does not consider as blood.

    JWs who accept blood fractions woud not want to donate their own blood as they cannot tell whether major components of their blood would be used, in which case they would become bloodguilty.

  • chapstick

    It doesn't take to much to realise that if you personally asked Yeshua Ben Yoseph his opinion of ALL Christianity he would most certainly call ALL of it counterfeit...

  • cofty

    Why do fanatics always have horrible websites?

  • Satanus

    Why do christians denounce other christians as fake? Is it a way of raising their own self esteem? Why can't they leave other christians to practice their own version of it? Afterall, there is NO universally accepted standard, since the protestant reformation. Maintaining one universal standard for christianity was the basis, the meaning of catholicism. It was the reason for countless wars, killings and tortures. The oposter needs to go back the the catholic church, unless she is trying to start her own, anew.


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