How Many Parts of the Circle of Life Does Paradise Break?

by Comatose 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Comatose

    In another thread on crazy things people think will happen in paradise I was thinking about this. So lets post them here as you can think of them. What is broken or dies or unexplainable in a paradise where all creation gets along.

    Spiders, do they catch fruit and seeds?

    Mosquitos, do they all die off for some reason, or do they just drink fruit juice?

    ticks and fleas, as well as all other types of pests like that. Left out of the paradise?

    whales that eat plankton, die off in paradise?

    Angler fish, angling for what? Why were they created like that? They die too?

    woodpeckers? No more bugs they can eat right?

    what else?

  • Tater-T

    bacteria.. I mentioned that on the .. will eat straw thread..

    will sharks eat seaweed?

  • Satanus

    People don't die. They stop having kids. No birth, no deaths of humans.

    Apparently, animals still die. But, other animals, apparently, don't scavenge them. Bacterias still eat meat, apparently.

    In the oceans, presently, planktons are fed on by small fish like anchovies and sardines, and big mammals like whales. Larger fish like makeral, dolphins, sharks, and seals, and birds all prey on those poor little anchovies and sardines. Sardines will certainly rejoice at the coming of christs 1000 yr reign.

    Anyhow, how will the populations of those happified sardines and anchovies be controled? What will happen to the huge piles of their dead carcasses that collect at the bottoms of the oceans when they die? And what will all their present predators eat?


  • trujw

    Unbelievers my pet great white will eat rainbows and sunshine as we ride the waves together for all eternity.

  • Lore

    Bunnies reproduce forever until the whole surface of the planet is covered.

    Turtles and armadillos, what's up with the shell? Why would it need protection?

    The Peregrine Falcon can dive through the air at 200 mph to bombard prey. Which will be useless if it doesn't eat animals.

    Porcupines are spiky to ward of predators. Without predators they are just annoying hazards.

    Any type of camoflague is unnessesary.

    Snakes, Jellyfish, Scorpions, Platypus, Bees and Octopi all have deadly venom, which would be entirely useless without prey or predators.

  • TotallyADD

    Skunks will still stink just like the WT. It's late that's all I can think of. Totally ADD

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    During the Millennium, people will still procreate, I think. After all, God created the earth in six days and rested the seventh. People who lost their children while they were alive most likely will raise those children as resurrected beings. Enmity between each other and between them and humans will be eradicated, and both man and beast will live in a paradise on Earth. After the Millennium, the Earth will pass on to its ultimate glory and become like the sun in brilliance. Those resurrected after the manner of the Son of God will have almost limitless power. All mankind, both the righteous and the wicked, will be resurrected, but to varying glories and powers. The wicked who come out of Hell will be purified, and every knee at that time, will bend and every tongue confess Christ. No one will be annihilated or tortured for the rest of eternity.

  • skeeter1

    In the documentary "Moment of Death" (on Netflix right now), the doctors made a point. It is natural for cells to die throughout our life. If the cells didn't die, we'd be freaky big. So, how can Paradise be "no death", when death is a requirement of living?

  • Comatose

    Bunnies everywhere. Great one.

    also, think of mice and rats. We would be overrun.

    Some have told me that sharp toothed predators could eat dead animals, but that doesn't stop over population and doesn't explain venom etc.

  • zound

    Could someone clarify the current teachings of the animals in the New System. Animals will still die won't they? But of natural causes.

    Is the whole animals not killing each other based purely on "lion will lie down with the lamb" and "child will play at the hole of a rattlesnake"?

    I mean all the tracts and magazines of Pandabear world feature ravenous animals playing peacefully with each other. Is this taught in actual writing (especially more recently) or is it all pictures, inference, and the occasional nutjob circuit overseer expounding on things in public talks?

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