Brainstorming about something that all of us would be interested in

by will-be-apostate 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • will-be-apostate

    Agreed mrsjones5.

  • tornapart

    Actually, you should count yourself lucky you weren't living in the Romania your dad was brought up in!

  • will-be-apostate

    How about now?

    Tornapart, I know better than anyone else outside of this country about our history. I think we are getting off the topic.

  • Tylinbrando

    My folks neither helped me with college nor encouraged me to go. How are your grades? There are unbelievable opportunities for you to take advantage of to get assistance with tuition. There are city colleges and vocational training schools that can also act as stepping stones to get you well on your way to the education you desire.

    Take some writing classes, theology and theoretical physics classes. Develope skills and a knowledge base that you can use to start an individual expose of what you have experienced growing up in the organization and ways to help others transition away from it. All you have to do is sweep the internet to discover how many ExJWs have become adept at this agenda.

    You may speculate about massive violence against Watchtower, but really nothing would be accomplished exept to brand ExJWs as terrorists. In the end, Watchtower would point to it as persecution of "God's chosen ones"

    You are young and have many doors open to you. Bounce ideas around on this forum and allow so many intelligent people to guide you.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi will-be-apostate, I hope that your frustrations with your father subsides. As others have said, you have many options to go to college. Use the internet to investigate financial aid/loans, talk to administrators in colleges that you are interested in, attend a community college and work part-time to save money for college, and ask your father when did he think that Armageddon was going to occur and if he will be willing to support you if Armageddon does not occur for another 30 years.

    IMHO you should add to your list of things to do to help your father to critically think for himself and write to politicians about denying tax exempt status to organizations like the WTBTS that promote not reporting child abuse and molestation to law enforcement, promote shunning/marking members and ex-members, and/or promoting do not associate with non-members. Definately delete any violent or destructive thoughts - getting a college degree in prison is not a career maker.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • will-be-apostate

    Tylinbrando and ABiblestudent , I appreciate your replies. :)

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