Were any of you in Brooklyn Bethel in 1996 when KISS performed live under the Brooklyn bridge?

by StoneWall 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • StoneWall

    Just curious if we have any on here that were in Bethel at the time they performed? And if so could you see the concert from your area?

    Here's the link to the final song and if you look closely you can see some of the WT's buildings if you know where to look.

    Even though its night time you can see the lights from them.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    what was the supposed acronym for KISS? I remember all the rumours

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Knights in Satan's Service

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    thats it. Along with the other satanic bands of their era.

    I wonder how many Bethelites were humming along

  • Glander

    Ted Jaracxz was on the roof that night smoking weed and looking through binoculars.

  • elder-schmelder

    Kids - In - Satan's - System

    That is what I was told.

  • BluesBrother

    No..Every true dub knew that it was Kids In Search Of Satan !

    I would have loved to have heard a heavy rock concert...I would have hated to be in earshot but not able to show that I liked it and wanted to be down there (even though they were not exactly a favourite band)

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well I heard a lot of acronyms for rock bands in the early 80's. AC/DC, Rush, Led Zeppelin, Ozzy with and without Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, and the list goes on. There were all these news corrispondents playing hard rock albums backwards to find anything to say it was the devils music. I actually thought that Black Sabbath lyrics bordered on Christian at times, lol

  • NoRegrets

    AC/DC - "After Christ Devil Comes" KISS - "Knights in Satan's Service" WASP - "We Are Satah's People" Aye yi yi!

  • StoneWall

    NoRegrets.....I was always told that AC/DC stood for Anti-Christ/Devils Children by both witnesses and other "christians" around my area.

    But in either case its funny how any band that used acronyms or abbreviations of some sort would get something relating to evil,wickedness or unrighteousness attributed to their name by some religious element out there.

    And the bands/groups didn't really mind this because it was like free publicity for them and kept their name in the news.

    I'm really surprised that the WT (JW's) didn't use this concert with KISS "right outside headquarters", as a way to spin that Satan used some of his "Knights" in 1996 to try and turn the brothers from being loyal,obedient,faithful (read mind controlled) followers of Jah. (WTBTS)

    I'm sure they could have even found a scripture to twist to say it was even foretold in advance that Satan would send in his Elite to try and lure the brothers/sisters away. haha

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