What to Say When a Witness Comes to Your Door

by Darth Rutherford 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oubliette

    I find, "No thanks!" as I close the door to be much more effective.

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    I like it. I also like the idea of engaging JWs at the door for long periods of time so that their time is limited in how many other households they can go to.

    This is funny because, the JW's would probably be thinking......... this having conversations with people sure beats going to more doors to get our time in.

  • ShirleyW

    Re: What to Say When a Witness Comes to Your Door

    Get the Hell away from my door, I'm not interested . . case closed.

  • scary21

    I love love love your reasoning Darth ! One of my favorite things to do to a JW, is back them into a corner and watch them squrim.

    I will be using this argument, thank you.


  • JamesThomas


    I suggest making a video portraying this interaction, and posting it on Youtube.

  • NeverKnew

    I think I've been ID'd as one who may be too assertive so I'm going to have to use this in a gentler way, but OH I'm using this! *grin*

  • etna

    love it


  • irondork

    I like.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    This is what I say: Me: Hi, I respect your First Amendment rights but you have NO First Amendment rights on private property. The First Amendment only applies to government action. Please tell me the name and phone number of my neighbor who gave you permission to knock on my door. If not, I will immediately call the police and have you arrested for trespass. Witness: Sheepishly. Sorry. We are leaving right now. Me: Good. Have a nice day.

  • Darth Rutherford
    Darth Rutherford

    Love the video idea! I'll investigate that... need to find me a couple of actors.

    I know what some of you mean... my initial temptation, too, is to tell a JW to get lost. But, we all know that if they go back to their vehicle feeling like they were persecuted, it just reaffirms their faith.

    However, if we take a few minutes to ask the right questions and show them a scripture that exposes the organization as a false prophet not to be followed, then they go back to their vehicle a totally different person. That's what I personally want to do. Being liberated from the organization and its belief system is such a blessing. I want others to experience that as well. Also, when you consider that the organization gets evermore weaker with every person they lose who learns the truth about 'the truth', I believe it's worth taking five minutes to ask them a few questions and show them a pivotal scripture like Luke 21:8.

    Also... like scary21 said... it's fun to watch them squirm!

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