The Governing Body scenario is nearly identical to that in 1977 - no power

by Dogpatch 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    That is a good question. I'd like to know the answer to that too EdenOne

    *I hope it's not just some Christian Satan pulling the strings thing. That would be disappointing.*

  • besty

    great article Randy - thought provoking stuff

  • EdenOne

    When reading Ray Franz's Crisis of Conscience, I saw no reference to doctrinal matters or other relevant affairs being orchestrated from outside the Governing Body. And he served as a member for at least 8 years. If he had seen such, wouldn't he write about that? I find it odd such claim.

    Rather than puppets on a string, the members of the Governing Body strike me as sincere people that got so distanced from the real world, so intoxicated with their own mythology, that they became legends in their own minds, seeing no evil in what they teach and do, persuaded that they are intruments in the hands of God.

    But hey ... what do I know. I never lived in Brooklyn.


  • Wulf


    The GB didn't have airtight control over doctrinal matters, and neither did the presidency. They commissioned people like Ray Franz and Ed Dunlap to research and write, which caused problems for them. Also if you listen to Ed Dunlap's interview on the net you can see he was directing special elders' schools and doctrinal issues did come up. IMO Ed Dunlap would have been something of a go to guy for the GB on interpretation at times because he was so deep into the organizational teachings (and not in a neurotic Freddie Franz way). He knew his stuff.

    I have no difficulty imagining people calling the shots behind the scene and wielding hidden power to varying extents. This happens in all organizations. But I am genuinely curious as to who Randy is specifically referring to. I can imagine the Adams brothers for example but I want to see who really knows

  • *lost*

    What an excellent article this is. and what a wonderful person you are. Thank you so much for sharing. ( If there is a God I'm sure you will be blessed for all the good you have done)

    When I hear of people like yourself, Simon and Barbara - it restores my faith in mankind. there are still a few good people left in this world, it's not all bad.

    I also believe and have said the WT org is just a front, the real men in control are well hidden behind the scenes, Where is all the mnoney going !

    But alas no proof to offer. There is a lot of evidence out there of other individuals/companies that hide their true identities through layers and layers of companies/banks/countries and names, which makes it hard for investigators to get to the true source. But, it has happened. Maybe some dedicated investigative journalist will be able to get to the bottom of what is WT and all it's millions.

    Just as the expose''s on the RCChurch are showing what is really going on at it's core.



  • Wulf

    Dont forget the WTS is a corporation. You can't understand the JW religion only in terms of doctrine. You have to take into account its corporate nature which actually forms several of its core practices ie. Field service and placement of literature. This is what makes JWs so odd to me as a religion.

  • Terry

    What Randy did NOT mention is how hard he works with NO PAY! He is not big on ringing the bell about donations but FreeMinds certainly is worthyof contribution if ever any ministry was worth it. How many pastors can you name that use their funds for the work of helping others before they pay themselves?? Next time you find some extra $$ in your pocket, at least THINK about going to the website and sending him some much needed cash! He has a proven track record for going out of his way to actually help people with a caring and gentle spirit.

  • Wulf

    The organization may or may not be funnelling funds to an elite (who knows). It could be simply "existing", like a living organism.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    c'mon Randy

    spill the beans

    name names


  • tornapart

    I think the power behind the scenes lies with the men in control of the finances and the legal stuff. I think the GB are just as indoctrinated as the rest of the R&F. The blind leading the blind. I think Randy's probably right.

    It's the same as governments having no real power, even though they think they do. The men with the money always have the power to control.

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