Got an interview

by LouBelle 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    As some of you know, I had no job last year, then finally got something in an industry that I know nothing about. The environment and people haven't been the best, but I had to stick it out and hope that things would improve.

    I have kept my eye and ears open for opportunities more in my field of expertise - which is print advertising.

    I sent through my CV for a job I saw advertised in the newspaper for an advertising sales rep - applied and now I have an interview to go too tomorrow.

    I've learnt not to get my hopes up - I am glad for the interview and I hope it goes well.

  • Butterflyleia85

    congradulations on your interview!! my mom has had it hard finding a job. she is in her 50's now and was laid off from a company losing business about four years ago. i was getting scared for her at one point. but she pulled through, never finding a job in accounting but still it's a job and thank goodness it's just herself she has to look out for. i don't know your story or anything but hope you all the best!!

  • gone for good
    gone for good

    LouBelle ...

    wishing you the best on your interview dear.

  • gone for good
    gone for good

    LouBelle ...

    wishing you the best on your interview dear.

  • Pickler

    Loubelle! Good luck to you!

  • sammielee24

    Good luck - I hope you get the job! sammieswife

  • Honesty

    Good Luck!!

  • jgnat

    Hoping for the best outcome, Loubelle!

  • d


  • LouBelle

    Thanks guys. It will mean more income and that will go a long way to me moving away from the toxic home I am in and getting my own place again.

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