Simon has stated the AAWA facts with exact precision

by james_woods 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    As someome who doesnt post that often i cant help but question how many of you are entwined...with the org and how much control does the organisation still has over you.

    I have no connection to the WTS, no family in. And they know I am not interested, I made that abundantly clear.

    The organisation has NO control over me.

    **and when did freaking wibble come back**

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    I actually like the people I knew that posted that founded the group wAAWAh. It is their cover up and lack of contrition for outing 1000+ people that angers me. And Simon has gained my respect in how he handles their "peanut gallery."


  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    I wonder if anyone has ever actually met Cedars? Maybe he is like Charlie in Charlie's Angels.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    LMAO! zed...that is funny

    I found a picture of's a recent photo.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    in one one my threads, one or two people came forward and stated they met Cedars/Fred Flintstone. Daed silent after that. Didn't elaborate. They could be full of crap for all we know

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