Anyone in AA?

by love2Bworldly 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • love2Bworldly

    I joined OA because my eating habits have become progressively worse and I don't feel like I can control my eating any more. I am turning 50 this year and am really depressed about my weight. My medical chart now reads "obese" even though you wouldn't know it by looking at me. If you are 30 or more pounds overweight, you are labeled "obese".

    I have a lot of wonderful good habits-- I walk daily, I do 16 flights of stairs at least 4 times a week at work, I drink a lot of water, eat a lot of healthy food & take a lot of nutritional supplements. But I eat too much, I eat when I am bored mostly, but my problem is that I think about food ALL the time which is not healthy. It has become an emotional crutch for my boredom, or being upset or whatever. If I am eating something I like, I can't stop when I am full I keep eating. It's so frustrating and it makes me feel stupid. I read all the time about nutrition etc & supplements etc & what is the latest scientific info etc, yet I can't seem to stop overeating for emotional gratification.

    Wish me luck everyone. I think if I can just go for a few weeks without chocolate & overeating, I just may be able to find success and a smaller waistline. The beginning is really really hard. I have memorized every helpful hint from every diet plan out there-- brushing your teeth so you don't want to eat more, drinking water, eating more fiber, etc etc etc and so far none of that has worked for me. I joined & quit Weight Watchers a couple of times the past 2 years. I tried taping a picture of me as a younger thinner person to my mirror. I tried putting positive affirmations on my closet door & refrigerator about being healthy. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh So anyway, that is why I finally googled Overeaters Anonymous and am ready to try something different that has a support system & a sponsor.

  • irondork

    Hey Love2Bwordly, I bounced in and out of AA for 10 years before I finally got 1 year sober. Now I have 10 of them (as of February 15th).

    When I finally did figure out how not to drink, I discovered food. Mostly donuts. It didn't take long for me to start packing it on. Having always been a skinny little stick, going from 140 to 215 lbs was one helluva box of donuts. You mentioned taping a picture of your younger self on your mirror. Try posting a current picture of yourself in your underwear on the opposite side of the mirror.

    Also, I started going to the gym in an effort to channel my addictive personality in to something less destructive. I know it sounds cliche' but it really is true - once you get started you get addicted. You start feeling good. You get an endorphine rush that just makes you feel good. Makes it harder to be depressed and provides you with a general sense of personal, healthy pride and motivation. It will also speed up the results of any diet you undertake. The benefits of both cardio and resistance training are physical AND mental.

    I went from 215 to a well toned 185. I look healthy and feel great.

    Wishing you the very best of success!

  • Pistoff

    I have been to both AA and NA, and prefer NA.

    While both are technically not religious, AA opens with the Lord's prayer, and some members take that cue to speak freely about Jesus or religion.

    That is much rarer in NA meetings, where the opening saying is serenity prayer.

    NA generally has less talk about what a persons drug of choice is, and they don't care; also, no cross talk in small group.

    If you used NA to get a handle on your food issues, you don't have to be specific at all if you don't want to.

    I know hundreds of people in NA, don't know any of their using history at all.

  • digderidoo

    I am in AA, sober for 3 years. It does work, though i had issues with the god thing at the beginning i soon came to learn that athiests and agnostics can work a 12 step program too.

    My suggestion would be just to concentrate and read around step 1 before trying to comprehend the rest of the program.

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