Satan & the Garden of Eden

by love2Bworldly 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • love2Bworldly

    Hi-- I was forced to listen to a JW witnessing on a mass transit bus the other day. She said something that sparked my attention. I read almost the whole Bible cover to cover when I was a Jehovahs Witless.

    She stated that Satan was in charge of the Garden of Eve as an assignment from God to watch over Adam & Eve but he became too full of himself.

    How in the world do the JWs explain this teaching of Satan being in charge over the Garden? I do not recall any Bible verses to back this up.

    If anyone out there can explain this to me? It sounds like BS to me. They are always taking scriptures and running with it and expounding on the stories in the Bible, which could be viewed as blasphemy according to the Bible.

  • mP

    its bulldust. No where in Genesis is satan mentioned by name or title. The text in Gen 3 clearly says it was a snake. THe story also says that God punished the snake for its lying or evil by forcing it to travel on its belly. This does not make sense if the snake was Satan, because no where does it say Satan was a snake that flew around and breathed fire but after the Genesis incident he could only manage to slide on its belly.

    Originally the bible says snakes flew and breathed fire. Snakes were just one of the many types of angels that took messages between the earth and heaven or Jehovah.

    Read the article on wiki its got a lot of useful insight and scrptures for you to verify. If the serpent was Satan the ancient jews certainly did not know about this. In fact snakes were considered holy in ancient times. They were thought to live forever because they culd shed their skin and be reborn into a new snake. In fact the jews clearly worshipped snakes for hundreds of years until their religion changed. Remember the bronze snake which was worshipped as an idol but then destroyed by Josiah.

    And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.

    A seraph (pl. seraphs or seraphim ( pron.: / ' s ?r . ? . f ? m / ); Hebrew: ????????? s?rafîm, singular ?????? saraf; Latin: seraphi[m], singular seraph[us]; Greek: σεραφε?μ) is a type of celestial or heavenly being in the Abrahamic religions.

    Literally "burning ones", the word seraph is normally a synonym for serpents when used in the Hebrew Bible. A seminal passage in the Book of Isaiah ( Isaiah 6:1-8 ) used the term to describe fiery six-winged beings that fly around God's throne singing "holy, holy, holy". This throne scene, with its triple invocation of holiness (a formula that came to be known as the Trisagion), profoundly influenced subsequent theology, literature and art. Its influence is frequently seen in works depicting angels, heaven and apotheosis. Seraphs are mentioned as celestial beings in an influential Hellenistic work, the Book of Enoch, and the Book of Revelation. Tradition places seraphs in the fifth rank of ten in the Jewish angelic hierarchy and the highest rank in the Christian angelic hierarchy.

    See also: Serpent (Bible)#Serpent of bronze

    The Israelites set out from Mount Hor, where Aaron was buried, to go to the Red Sea. However they had to detour around the land of Edom (Numbers 20:21, 25). Frustrated and impatient, they complained against Yahweh andMoses (Num. 21:4-5). and God sent "fiery serpents" among them. For the sake of repentant ones, Moses was instructed by God to build a "serpent of bronze" that was used to heal those who looked upon it ( Numbers 21:4-9 ).

    In source criticism by Martin Noth, the "bronze serpent" passage in Numbers 21:4-9, proceeds smoothly and is free of doublets, thus it does not appear to divide into different 'sources' even with the unusual juxtaposition of 'God' in v.5. The predominating use of the name Yahweh supposes that its appearance is original. In terms of the documentary hypothesis, the narrative can be allocated to the E source. [7]

    [edit] Destruction

    In 2 Kings 18:4, a bronze serpent was set up in the Jerusalem Temple sanctuary. [7] The Masoretic text says that "he [Hezekiah] called it Nehushtan". According to Young's Literal Translation, Nehushtan means "piece of brass" (2 Kings 18:4). Karen Randolph Joines makes the distinction that it was Hezekiah who discriminatingly called the image Nehushtan, rather than it being some common term used by the Israelites. [8] When Hezekiah had become King, he tore down the Nehushtan. It has been suggested that Hezekiah's destruction of the Nehushtan was a result of the balance of power moving towards Assyria, which permitted him to remain on the throne of Judah as a puppet ruler. Hezekiah demonstrated his loyalty to the new regime by the destruction of an important symbol with Egyptian associations. [9]

  • Bobcat

    Her view is likely based on Ezekiel 28:11-19 and the idea that Ezekiel is speaking of Satan. The words are actually addressed to the King of Tyre, but the language seems to point to Satan and the Garden of Eden. At least the words are reminiscient of the Garden account. If one accepts the idea that it is proleptically speaking of Satan, then, one can also derive additional points from it that are not in the Genesis account.

    Numerous commentaries has posited this. So it is not a WT original idea.

  • Finkelstein

    Mythology is story telling whether it comes from 3000 years ago or if it comes from a modern publishing house such as the WTS.

    How all the religions in the world create themselves is really dependent in how and what they embellish and interpret these ancient stories,

    as to differentiate and self identify themselves. (JWS)

  • Slavenomore

    Isn't it amazing though, that while we we in the watchtower we accepted this mythology as fact. It was written about and lectured all the time as if the myths of the ancient Hebrew tribe which resemble the Babylonian myths were historical fact. I'm reading Hassan's book about combatting cult influence and the striking similarities between what he experienced and what JWs experience is incredible. The sincerity of someone's faith does not make the extraordinary true, no matter how convincing. But the connection between genesis, Ezekiel and revelation with the serpent, lucifer and the devil resides in the realm of the "true believers" only and has no place in reality of the modern world in which we live, love and flourish.

  • mP

    there is no lucifer character either. The correct translation for the one scripture with "lucifer" is venus. Venus is a false sun, every day it appears just before the real sun appears in all its glory. The scrpiture is only saying the Sun is the true great one which is true. The bible is jus astrotheology.

  • myelaine

    dear mP...

    the serpent is not representitive of messengers of God as you have stated but have been representitive of wisdom. For instance...the depiction of the serpent in the garden of Eden as "more cunning than any beast of the field" is drawn from what was commonly accepted in Egypt...the serpent was symbolic of wisdom.(that is why the serpent referenced "knowledge" to be like God) The pharoah had a headpiece that placed a serpent right in the middle of his forehead to symbolize his wisdom in ruling over the people.

    in the book of revelation there is depicted a great war between the "forces" of God and the "forces" of reaches its finale when the wisdom of satan and "his" angels are cast down and there is no place found in heaven for "him"(rev 12:8-9)...the serpents offer of "wisdom" of good and evil is shown to be ultimately inferior to the life giving wisdom of the knowledge of God.

    we are told to be as wise as serpents but as innocent as doves (matt 10:16) revelation it is the wisdom of God that leads to knowledge of who is behind the scenes in deceiving the world with his "wisdom" (rev 13:16,18) ...(the wisdom of God in the knowledge of Jesus Christ as the ONLY way of salvation has little VALUE in todays economy, so to speak). in matthew 11:18-19 Jesus is comparing those who rejected JtB and his message about the Messiah(john 1:6-13) to those who rejected the wisdom from God...the children who didn't reject the wisdom of God in Jesus Christ are NOT those portrayed in verse 17 still waiting for the Messiah to appear from among them. proverbs 9:1-6, 10.

    there is a contrast between the wisdom of God and the wisdom afforded satan throughout the bible. The wisdom of God gives life, the wisdom of the serpent brings death. It is shown in the bible that this is the way it has always been since the beginning. God works in mysterious and wise ways to draw men to Himself: John 3:14-15...

    love michelle

  • Phizzy

    It is just a silly story of course, the garden of Eden thing, but because it is believed by the three Abrahamic faiths it has spawned a Hatred of women that still goes on today, I use the word hatred with a capital on purpose.

    Muslims put their women in a bag to go out in public, Jews make "love" through a hole in the sheet, Christians will not allow women to be leaders in their church.

    All of this springs from this story about a rib-woman scrumping some fruit. As if this isn't bad enough, they want to blame Satan for asking to be told if things are thus and so, and for telling the truth about how things really are.

    I think I will join all these mysogynists "Good one girls, you messed it all up on day one".

  • *lost*

    Mylaine thanks.

  • Finkelstein

    There were many diverse stories created during the ancient eras in the middle east and elsewhere, on how the world began and was created .

    The one particular significance that the ancient Hebrew's story held on for the length of time it has, is because it was scribed into

    written text. Now can we fault these ancient ones for telling these and other embellished stories of their particualr god (YHWH) ?

    No , for they had to live in a time of abstract ignorance of the world of which they had to live and survive and these stories may have actually

    helped them survive through purposeful meaning and value.

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