Mom who regrets ever having her two kids

by skeeter1 37 Replies latest social family

  • slimboyfat
  • designs

    Some people have a disorder where they lack empathy and compassion, some forms of depression manifest that way.

  • wasblind

    People used to tell me that I should have had another child so my daughter wouldn't be lonely

    I love bein' a mom, but like the lady in the OP, I would feel the same way in havin' a second child

    My Ol' man and my daughter is all I can muster. Between the two of them

    I get pulled in two different directions, and many times I feel as if I'm thier slave

    Bein' a mom is the greatest thing I ever done, and I enjoyed seein'

    her come into her own

    But I did not have the mentality or the strength to repeat the sacrifices

    of motherhood

    Jesus may have made the greatest sacrifice of all , but Parents have to make them daily


  • d

    I do not get it if she regreted them why did she have them?

  • Gayle

    I suspect many to most in the 'upper' levels of the organization, the full-timers, that will boast they are waiting for the 'new world' to have children, really just don't want children anyway, period. They hide that behind the self-righteous guise of because of the 'work' in these end-times. Though, I know a few that just got so caught up in the organization 'work,' waited, and later wished they had children, but must now keep it a secret. I know a few that were honest to me about that at Bethel.

    It is evident that the leadership have no real concern or empathy of the children, by how they instruct parents with children. They present a burdensome life for children, to go to programs that are not children realistic, to dress up as businessmen/women in suits/dresses and deny them their normal sports, children's activities/celebrations normal for children. It is clear the JW children must just about skip their childhood phase and the light-hearted activities. They are only taught the heavy, overly seriousness, teaching them predominantly the horrible things in the world and a need for God to destroy the whole works, and the children too. The WTS teaches a form of child abuse, maybe not physical, but mentally, and emotionally.

    No wonder about 66% of JW youth eventually leave, many with 'baggage.'

  • d

    some people just are not meant to have children.I do not understand the pressure that society places on women to have children. I mean what is the big deal if a women does not want children? it is her right.

  • rebel8

    I have never had a moment of wanting to be a parent, and I believe this choice should become more socially acceptable.

    However, I find this article troubling. She is saying really damaging things about her children, who I presume are still alive.

    And some of the things she says are beyond just not wanting kids--they're pretty far out there. Like not being upset the baby could be dying.

    Third, what a dumb sentiment that it's 'selfish' to have only 1 child.

  • fulltimestudent

    Skygreen said:

    I feel sad for her that she didnt get to feel that rush of maternal joy when she held her newborns. For me its a time I absolutely treasured, and it never lasted long enough!

    That rush of feeling that we call joy, is induced by the bodies production of a hormone called oxytocin and its infusion through the body. Likely the physical system of the lady in question did not produce enough (possible nil) oxytocin.

    There is a lot of research underway into the function of oxytocim in our lives, and when and why it is produced. Google it to try and get a handle on how extensive its function is in our lives.

    I posit, that like all the other hormones, the amount of oxytocin that each person produces and under what stimuli, will vary a lot, and therefore there may be people who produce small amounts whereas other people may produce a lot.

    I posit further that there may be some whose so-called lack of love is simply due to a lack of oxytocin.


    edited to acknowledge the prior post mentioning oxytocin by Satanus.

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