What do you believe about the bible?

by bethelyellowdollarbag 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty
    We should not presume that just because they ancient, they are fools. It may well be that they possess more wisdom than our arrogant selves think. - kassad

    Even the most enlightened bible characters had less knowledge about the world, inferior wisdom and a more debase morality than the average Afghan warlord.

    It stands as a testimony to how people behave when they live as if the supernatural was real.

    Thank god we know better.

  • Berengaria

    It's a lot less fun or well thought out than Lord Of The Rings.

  • ablebodiedman

    I am a disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witness

    The bible is an extraordinary book.

    I read the bible throughout the days prior to, during and after my judicial committee meeting and everything happening to me made sense!

    Much of what the bible prophecies about has already happened and is currently happening just as it said it would.

    There is absolutely no reason for an Ex-Jehovah's Witness to start disbelieving the bible simply because they are now an Ex-Witness.

    In fact I am convinced that the Ex-Jehovah's Witness community is THE key target audience for the bible.

    It is the only reason I read and sometimes post on this forum.

    I know it is at the expense of being ridiculed by the now athiest Ex-Witnesses however, I do understand

    that there ARE others who may be resident any many more just passing through who will symphathize with my comviction.


  • kassad84
  • Comatose

    C. Not much... Not OT at all. Not miracles in NT.

  • OnTheWayOut
    In fact I am convinced that the Ex-Jehovah's Witness community is THE key target audience for the bible.

    We have another "prophet" in the makings. So does God lead people to the "lie" so that they can arrive at the truth when they are ex-JW's?

  • ablebodiedman

    We have another "prophet" in the makings. So does God lead people to the "lie" so that they can arrive at the truth when they are ex-JW's?


    So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie,
  • Crazyguy

    I believe the bible to be an inspired book, its man that screwes it all up. Many here do not realize that they were told all thier lives that the JW religion was the one and true religion. When they realized that it was not true thier emotional natural reaction was to be discusted and to also throw off any thing religion including the bible. Thats what Satan was hoping for all the time, and this is what many of you do not realize.

  • free2beme


    But there is so much politics in the history of the bible, so like modern politics...more crap then quality.

  • free2beme


    But there is so much politics in the history of the bible, so like modern politics...more crap then quality.

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