just curious. How about blood?

by never a jw 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    I have never been a JW, but I have lived literally surrounded by them since I married my wife, almost 20 years ago. Since I never raised a fuss before, I guess I was also brain-washed into thnking that their religion was harmless and the leaders were well intended.

    I have been reading your comments for many months and have come to realize how harmful the religion is. Your comments have been mostly about the pain inflicted by shunning, deception in the literature, and the views on higher education. Your comments have been so moving that I am doing my part to undermine the influence of the WT on innocent people.

    However, the comments that I haven't seen are those regarding the blood doctrine causing personal pain. I know the question is tough, but I would like to know if any of you has been personally hurt, or know someone who has been hurt by the blood doctrine of the WT

  • Crazyguy

    I was personally in-raged, when i found out our doctrine was bogus!!!!

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    "One [Jehovah's Witness] survivor of postpartum haemorrhage without transfusion told us that her real choice was between the living death of losing her family and friends if she chose blood transfusion, or actual death caused by blood loss."—(Guichon et al, Free and informed choice in medical treatment: making it safe to choose for Jehovah’s witnesses, International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Oct. 2009, Vol. 116, Issue 11, p. 1540)

    Here’s some recommended reading:

    - Watchtower doctrine that kills Jehovah’s Witnesses available at: http://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/2012/02/watchtower-doctrine-that-kills-jehovahs.html

    - Stark Reality Facing Jehovah’s Witnesses on Blood available at: http://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/2012/03/stark-reality-facing-jehovahs-witnesses.html

    - More than 50,000 dead available at: http://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/2012/02/more-than-50000-dead.html

    Each is short, and right to the point.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • whathappened

    I know of several witnesses who have died simply for refusing blood. They could have been saved. This is for real. I know many witnesses with unbelieving mates who will not let their spouses be their medical power of attorney because they won't agree to the no blood teaching. Go to jwfacts.com. There is an excellent page regarding the blood issue.

  • StoneWall

    If you want a true story that will bring tears to your eyes, read the story of a member on here called Balsam.

    You can go to members and click on the letter B then scroll for her name and read the bio she has provided there.

    It is all about the blood issue and how it affected her family. I will not spoil it by telling you how it ends but will provide a link for you so that you can read for yourself. When I read it, I shed more tears that night than I had in many years.

    Here is the link to her thread:


  • Berengaria

    Oh StoneWall.

    When I read it, I shed more tears that night than I had in many years.

    I can't see to type.

  • SkyGreen

    Thanks for that reference StoneWall, Ive bumped that thread.

  • trujw

    I know personally of a friend who's father went in for bypass heart surgery during which he lossed a lot of blood. Of course due to the teachings of the witch tower he didnt take blood. Long story short was he had a stroke due to not receiving a blood transfusion. Lived a few more years miserably with terrible memory problems and brain function. If only he had taken blood would have recovered fine. The watchtower gb are murders no doubt. Their is article after article that can show what a bunch of bullshit this policy is. As easy as blood is a symbol for life yet they would rather commit suicide. It would be like me saving the symbol of my marriage my wedding ring rather than saving my wife's life just sick.

  • steve2

    Picking & Choosing Which Blood to Refuse and Which to Receive In the Name of God: Example:

    My JW aunt almost died giving birth to her caesarean-delivered over-due baby, with her staunch JW husband at her side to help her maintain her blood refusal even as she faded in and out of consciousness.

    She made it alive...just...and for weeks was in a seriously medically impaired state and when she was relatively well enough to start eating, what did her lovely JW husband feed her? Semi-raw beef steak that was suspiciously unbled (he was the manager of a beef farm...go figure where he got the unbled steak from ).

    I was an active JW when I observed this anger-provoking medical lunacy. He was hypocritically "willing" to sacrifice his wife's life by maintaining she must not have human blood transfused into her debilitated body but shovelled plates of blood-oozing steak into her mouth. Even the literal-minded Jews would not have given her unbled meat, to say nothing of the blood-borne infections she could have acquired!

    You don't have to be a lunatic to adhereto the Watchtower teachings on no-blood - but it sure helps if you are.

  • Mum

    Some years ago, there was a story on the national news about a JW woman who died after she refused a post-accident blood transfusion.

    I knew this woman in the '60's when I lived in Ohio. I won't post her name.

    It was heartbreaking because she was really a nice person.

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