Do You Fully Support "Obamacare"?

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • soontobe

    You should move to Norway designs.

  • designs

    Why not adopt the best ideas from around the globe and make them work here.

  • sooner7nc

    No Designs we won't catch up to Norway because we aren't Norwegians. Norway is the way it is because of centuries of culture that has molded the people to be the way we are. We're a completely different animal, we're Americans. We like guns, violence, big tits, and telling other people how to live. We like country music and speed metal, cornbread and beans, and a big shiny car in every drive. We like voting Liberal and voting Conservative and we think the other side is completely f***ing nuts.

    Most of all, we like being Americans. If you want to be like Norway then book a flight to Oslo and get the f*** out.

  • stillin

    The country is being run by the insurance industry. Or at least, that's who seems to benefit the most from all of these mandatory programs.

    Now it's insurance to be able to own one of those dangerous things...guns! Watch that one take ahold!

    obabmacare is going to break me. I'll have to pay the fine, because that's a lot cheaper. Then I'll still have no insurance either! What a disgrace! I could have used that money for my health care.

  • soontobe

    Well, Norwegians do like speed metal, which is cool.

    But they also like lutefisk.

  • designs

    Sooner7nc- are you learning to play the banjo with your two remaining front teeth


    Do I have a choice?

  • soontobe

    Looks like most uninsured people don't like Obamacare either.

    They are going to have to "sell" it (as if they haven't been for years).

    It doesn't "bend the cost curve down." Nope. More expensive.

    It doesn't "reduce the deficit." Nope. It raises it. More fraud.

    It isn't a "job creator." No. It kills full time jobs!

    It doesn't even acheive universal coverage!

    If a private operator had slapped "Affordable" on that shit sandwich, they'd be frog marched into court for fraud.

    Bush had the Iraq quagmire.

    Face it drones, Obamacare is a quagmire.

    We need an exit strategy.

  • designs

    Oh sure, let's get extra tickets to Norway. Back home in the good ol gosh darn USA there just isn't any more land to steel from the Injuns, how unfair is that.

    Science has reported that humans have 4% Neanderthal DNA, maybe some homosapiens have more

  • TotallyADD

    Points well taken Roberta84, sooner 7ac and stilin. Which direction should we go? What would be better? Should we just leave it alone or overhaul the whole system. For myself I don't have a good answer. But like I said it's a start. At lease Obanacare has got everybody talking and wanting the program changed. In a preverted way it is forcing us to vote for national healthcare or no national healthcare. I do feel like designs in why can't we look at what other nations have done and use the best of there plans making a affordable health care system. Can't have your cake and eat it to. Againg my 2 cent's worth. Totally ADD

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