How can anyone who is truly spiritual-minded attend Bethel and not realize it's all a scam

by sosoconfused 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Pickler

    Sab, it's interesting what you say about "continuous application and routine". I too did everything I could to NOT listen in the meetings, I was so good at day dreaming, doodling, looking interested whilst thinking absolutely nothing....

    BUT there's never a break, the constant meetings, study, service...there's never any time to think. As soon as you step away from their timetable everything becomes clearer...but, it's the stepping away that is so hard. Even though I was never a "spiritual" person, I had no faith, experienced no "joy" or "love" or anything of that nature.

    Even then, the mind control still had me, because I was trained to think this was my fault, my failing....something was wrong with me because I couldn't feel spiritual. Such a waste of my young years, it kills me now to think back on it.

    I feel so bad for you bethel people,even worse to spend your young years in that institutional environment.

    I still to this day do not understand anyone who calls themselves "spiritual"

  • Bob_NC

    Years ago when I was a believer we had an ex-Bethelite, ex-Circuit Overseer, elder who made the observation that so many brothers upon leaving Bethel come home and immediately become inactive. He was concerned about that. As I thought about it, I saw the same thing! Now I know why.

    Can anyone comment on whether Bethel is laying people off? As in, sending folks out of Bethel to go pioneer somewhere? I have heard rumors but would like more detail. Anyone?

  • tiki

    i just want to say to those of you who have been there and done that - i am glad you made it out and are living sane lives. it seems to me like checking into a jail willingly...and taking whatever is dished out. i knew guys who ended up really messed up mentally by the time they left - i knew others who walked in and were gone within the first month....they were probably smarter.....

  • Gayle

    Most were only about 19 yrs old that went into Bethel, raised in. Most are boys with very active parents in JWdom. Back in the late '60s and early '70s, how many could pioneer and get a 4D classification to avoid military draft during Vietnam war. Many finding pioneering not very stimulating nor fulfilling could go on to Bethel, signing up for 4 yrs. and maintain their 4D classification. To break that 'vow' then was critical, a negative judgement; certainly putting much shame on them to leave Bethel early. Families and congregations wouldn't understand. Many did leave before their 4 years though anyway.

    Bethel activity and Primary classes kept many from being able to think independently early on. Then, after a while there is even pressure to stay longer and make it a 'career.' Actually, it is an odd minority that just 'loved' Bethel life. Then, for others, it's for the 'cause' and an uncertainty of where would they go, especially the longer you are there.

    I remember when I got called to Bethel was my happiest day, in '69. They called in several special pioneer gals. My brother was already there. So surprisingly, though I was only a reg. pio., they accepted me. After 4 yrs (completing my vow), I married a Bethelite there. Many couples (at least some wives for sure) were waiting for the new world for children. Thankfully, after another additional year, we left, starting a family. Leaving Bethel for family life which was bottomline what I ever really wanted. I shudder at the thought of still being there after all these years.

    Actually, for some of us, it took even awhile to gradually phase through things. But after Bethel, I no longer had an "idealism" about Bethel, nor the organization as there it was clear who was "controlling" things. I had to turn over and over many "dominos" many times to create my "track" to freedom.

  • LostGeneration

    I thought I wanted to go to bethel when I was 18. But I hated FS with such a passion I knew there was no way I could pioneer for a year or longer just to try to get in.

    I truly feel for all on this board that slaved away full time for this cult at Bethel.

  • sosoconfused


    I had no choice but to go to bethel...

    I was told prior to graduation I could not go to college

    I was also told that if I wasnt going to pioneer I had to leave home upon graduation

    I was also told if I did pioneer I could stay at home rent free.

    So what choice did I have but to pioneer.

    With only a highschool education in Newark New Jersey what options did I have. I began to pioneer and hated field service so bad that I figured if I went to Bethel I would have 3 squares for the rest of my life... I got there and experienced the most discrimination ever and realized this was all a big pile of poopie

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Hi sosoconfused,

    As former Bethelite, and posting member here, you are number 84 on our list found here. You, and the other 83 certainly earned your stripes.

    Len Miller

  • outsmartthesystem

    Bob_NC - I can confirm. I live in Indiana. The town I live in has two congregations. One congregation received a new "Bethelite" couple that had just been "reassigned" to pioneer here. The other congregation received the same. Many at the KH (at the time) said "we must need help in our territory.....we are SO thankful Jehovah has sent us BETHEL PIONEERS!!!!!". I was immediately skeptical. Neither congregation needed help with their territories. Every territory was getting worked twice per year. I came to the silent conclusion that the bigwigs at Bethel just wanted to lay off more people so they gave these pour souls a new "assignment".

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    To answer the question.

    Your right! You couldn't. It's just a different form of humanism.

  • Phizzy

    We had a young guy from our Congo go, on his first trip home he told his Uberdub parents "There is nothing spiritual about Bethel, it is simply work for the Organization". He chose to stay for years though, may still be there, perhaps living at home was a worst choice than Bethel.

    Off topic, but similar, how can anyone read extensively on here, JWN, and still be a believing JW, not awakened at all ? I know of at least one who has done so.

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