ALL you ever need to know to understand NEW LIGHT (for what it really is)

by Terry 24 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Waiting on Jehovah to get his act together and shine some new light down on us is a mug’s game.

    Jehovah has forever, whereas those of us who are mortal feel a sense of urgency as our impeding death gets closer.

     “And this I know: whether the one True Light,
     Kindle to Love, or Wrath consume me quite,
     One Glimpse of It within the Tavern caught
     Better than in the  Temple  lost outright.”

    (Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam - Edward FitzGerald's Translation)


    "In view of the above 7 facts :

    A. IF JEHOVAH is DIRECTING the Organization....IT MUST BE JEHOVAH making the error.

    B. If it is the ORGANIZATION DIRECTING is THEIR error."

    This is classic. Jesus was asked " By what authority do you do these things?!" He replied, " By what authority to do things?"........No Answer. Jesus also asked the Pharisees to tell him by what authority did John the Baptist preach. Again, no answer. Why? They did not want to condemn themselves.

    I asked the Elders, " If a child molester is in the congregation and you fail to warn parents, then who's fault is it when a child is harmed? Is it Jesus' fault? Is it Jehovah's fault? " No answer was given except " Respect the Channel." So yes, the GB are old men with failing vision, leading the way through a darkened cavern. They have a $1.99 flashlight with cheap batteries. Everyone following them simply needs to take the next fork in the path and head towards daylight.

    Those other quotes are great. It is amazing what happens if you simply substitute a couple words here and there. The normal dub simply has not reached the level of awareness to see the hypocrisy. They don't reason. It has been bred out of them.

  • Terry

    You would have to be a very old JW by now to remember when the Watchtower Society INSISTED that Jesus did NOT have a beard!

    Look at the older publications and you'll see illustrations of this weird teaching when Jesus is depicted.

    Public talks included reference to beardless Jesus, too.


    In the Questions from Readers May 12, 1968 Watchtower the Society collapsed and threw in the towel on the crackpot teaching of beardless Jesus.

    If you carefully pay attention to the language they use IN EXPLAINING how the idea of a beardless Jesus was acquired in the first place.....

    you can see they are AWARE of how flimsy it was all along! Also, you can see how dishonest they were in using such evidence to create that belief.


    "It is appropriate, however, to give consideration to arguments advanced to the effect that Jesus was beardless. This idea has been largely based on theories built up by certain archaeologists with regard to the so-called "Chalice of Antioch." This is a large silver beaker or cup within a silver framework shell of vines and figures of men. On one side of the cup is a boy, with five men facing him, and on the other side a young but more mature man, beardless, with five others facing him. All appear to be seated. The cup, supposedly found by some natives in Antioch of Syria, was acclaimed as being of the second half of the first century C.E., and therefore the earliest pictorial representation of Christ.

    However, an analysis of the facts now makes it evident that the figures on the cup have been identified according to the imagination of the individuals interpreting them. The boy is considered to be Jesus at the age of twelve and the other central figure is said to be Jesus, possibly after his resurrection, or, again, it may be John the Baptist. The other ten figures have been interpreted variously to be ten of the apostles; or the apostles and evangelists; or, on one side the four evangelists with James the son of Zebedee, and on the other side Peter, Saul, James, Jude and Andrew.

    There are serious objections made by many archaeologists to these identifications. Really it has been guesswork, and it is impossible to say what is represented by the figures. Some even doubt the authenticity of the cup, believing that it may be a forgery."

  • Finkelstein

    If you can envision or compare the WTS doctrines to a 10 Watt light bulb, no matter how much voltage you

    put into that bulb, it only stays at a certain brightness level or until it finally burns out.

    There's no question that C T Russell was enamored with engaging mysteries and unknown discoveries from the ancient world

    which included the bible. Not too surprising considering his own education level and the type of education he received within that popular era.

    He self assumed the bible as a book of mysteries that he himself along with some of his associating colleagues could actually decode.

    There was an apparent competition of sorts going on around at that time and place, on who could decipher these hidden secrets and mysteries

    better from the Adventist religious theologians. One could say that C Russell came out the biggest winner from that group,

    from his strong enthusiastic persistence from him and his supporting wife.

    In essence the light that C T Russell created by himself and out his own idealogical thoughts, weren't necessarily really bright to begin with

    but they certainly attained an aspect of commercial appeal for publishing books and magazines.

  • whathappened

    Love the ten watt bulb analogy...they don't come much dimmer than that!

  • Terry

    When the Watchtower leaders want you to believe matter how unlikely, contrary to reason or just stupid here is what they do:

    1. They disavow human connection by asserting they are only "channeling" what Jehovah is giving them.

    2. They make up crap to support it, sprinkle random scriptures and partially quote any source they can scrape up.

    3.They print in the magazines, preach it publicly, argue it, explain it and insist you believe it--UNTIL--they have to change it.

    4.If you call them on their crap you are rebellious. You are marked as the enemy. They DF you and instruct others to HATE you.

    5.If they are publicly humiliated on something horribly embarassing they shrug and wear their "enthusiasm" for publishing shit as adorable "eagerness."

    6.They force you to submit to strange and deadly policy and get away with it by labeling it YOUR CONSCIENCE telling you it is God's will.

    7.If you think--and thinking causes you to question what THEY THINK--it is called "independent" thinking and it is pure Satanism!

    Imagine a fellow getting audited by the IRS saying he was only being eager for a bigger refund and that is why he cheated on his taxes!

    How would that fly?

  • Badfish

    Did they ever give any scriptural basis for the New Light? Is there a scripture that says the Faithful & Discrete Slave is a small group of men separate from the Anointed as a whole? Or is this just something they thought up on their own?

  • kurtbethel

    "Our friends insist that this Scripture indicates that in the end of this Gospel age the Lord would use not many channels for the dissemination of the Truth, but one channel . . . They hold that all of them received their knowledge ofPresent Truth directly from the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society’s publications, or indirectly through those who have received their enlightenment through thischannel. They are glad correspondingly to co-operate as ‘fellow-servants’ with the Society’s work, believing that thereby they are following the leadings of the Divine Providence, as well as the instructions of the Divine Word."

    That is the real problem with them, and it is their greatest weakness. They channel their teaching from invisible spirit beings. This puts them in the same mode of operation as Zetatalk, Ashtar Command, and hundreds of other spiritist channelers. Take a good look at the Zetatalk claims and predictions, and you will see the same kind of accuracy that the Watchtower channeling had made, which is near zero. Furthermore, channeling, like trinity or immortal soul, is not found anywhere in scriptures, and the practice is not approved in scripture under any other name.

    It also shuts down parts of their brains, in case you haven't noticed.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Interesting, Terry....

    I like your list of 7, above, that pretty well encapsulates what the WT does to your brain when it has new light, or needs to get rid of it....

    You've done a good job of boiling it down, and I would say it took quite a while to make it so simple.... didn't it?

    Even tho you made it easy to read, and simplified it, it still hurts your brain, doesn't it? But, it's true.... This IS what they do.

    If we have to work so hard at defining & simplifying the basic process the WT uses to "change history," and believe me, I am always trying to put it in words.... "how do they do that?"... imagine what happens to people when they just try to sort thru a paragraph in the WT, or try to remember what is "present truth."

    cha ching, cha ching, let the bells of truth ring

  • smiddy

    What an insane religion this is , I`m ashamed to admit I was one of them

    1.Present truths

    2.Past truths

    3.New truths

    4.Old truths

    5. Truths that became old truths because of new light only to become older truths because of newer truths to replace the older truths which now became new truths. Rom.13 : 1,2.

    6.Future truths, that certainly will replace the present truths,that replaced the new truths ,that previously replaced the old truths, that replaced the original truths ,that were deemed not true.


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