Appealing a disfellowshipping - any experience

by dozy 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    The only benefit I could see for your friend is to completely convince him that the system is not designed to deliver Justice. Not God-breathed at all.

  • DNCall

    Things might have changed since I used to sit on appeal committees, but at that time the standard was repentance or lack thereof. In the majority of cases I was involved in, we overturned the decision of the original committee and the original committee accepted our decision. We could see repentance, whereas they didn't.

    I realize this goes contrary to mamochan13's unfortunate experience, but if his/her appeal committee's report had included, "The appeal committee . . . believed I was repentant, but that since the elders had followed the correct process, my dfing would be upheld," I believe the Service Department would have intervened. They do intervene and make the final decision if the appeal committee and the original committe cannot agree on a decision, or they see some other flaw in the process.

  • jookbeard

    I appealed my JC when found guilty, for apostasy as well, it can be done , plenty of crocodile tears bullshit and apologies.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    If it's for apostasy, I've never seen anyone come back from that.

    But I do know of a pregnant young single sister that was DF'd then the same thing happened to my sister and they only publically reproved her, the other sister's dad pitched a fit and got his daughter's DF'ing reduced down to public reproof also.

  • Mum

    The way to work through any bureaucracy is to go to the top. By "the top," I do not mean Jehovah. I do mean the crackpots that run the crazy corporation. They don't want to deal with the petty stuff at the congregational level, I assure you. Go up the ladder: first, an appeal committee, then the CO, then the DO, then the branch office, on to the Supreme Court, (i.e. the GB). Persistence pays, and appealing to authority pays. Finally, whether or not they agree that your DFing was wrong, they will probably relent because they're tired of hearing about it.

    Justice and fairness have nothing to do with it. Rules were made to facilitate getting rid of people the higher ups in organizations don't like.

    For once, make them do something to earn their cushy lifestyle.

  • AnneB

    My understanding is that an appeal is only successful if the original committee made procedural errors. It has nothing to do with the actual charges, just whether the committee handled it correctly according to the current WT guidelines.

    Obviously there have been exceptions (see above).

  • Balaamsass

    I have seen it.

    Get the written appeal in within 7 days, cc to WTBTS, C.O..

    They really are hanging everything on 2 witnesses now. Attack the witnesses, if one of them recants he is home free (many do).

    Go for: " there was a missunderstanding"...I don't believe "brother x " would knowingly SLANDER me to the congregation and community.

  • sir82

    Ditto on AnneB's comment.

    If procedure was not followed correctly, it can be overturned.

    If it comes down to a judgment call (was the accused "repentant" at the time of the original meeting or not?), forget it.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    According to the Elder's manual, "Shepherd The Flock", 2010 edition, the procedure is as follows:

    1. If the decision is to disfellowship, you have seven days to appeal the decision. The Chairman of your judicial committee will call the Circuit Overseer, and the C.O. will form an appeal committee.

    If you appeal after your seven day appeal period, the Chairman will contact the Branch.

    2. An appeal Committee will be formed even if there seems to be no valid basis for an appeal.

    3. If the Appeal Committee upholds the DF decision of the Judicial Committee. no further appeal is allowed

    -------- HOWEVER -----------

    4. A second appeal is allowed, but the Appeal Committee will not tell you this!! It's a dirty secret and betrays the Watchtower's lack of real desire to make sure you know all your rights.

    This is the exact wording in "Shepherd The Flock":

    "The appeal committee should not mention this provision [a second appeal] unless the individual indicates that he believes a serious error in judgment has occurred".

    A second appeal must be submitted in writing to the appeal committee.

    No DF announcement will be made when it is in appeal.

    I have heard of successful appeals but they are not common. Usually they are successful when a JC has violated procedure and opened up themselves or the WT to a lawsuit.

  • flipper

    DOZY- Yes I appealed my DFing and I was successful as some mentioned. I think the reason my appeal WAS successful is the elders didn't have enough evidence to convict me and I never admitted to ANY wrongdoing, AND I sent a letter as if from my attorney to them stating that if they DFed me on false grounds that I would sue them, the elders, and the congregation they were serving. So after my appeal JC meeting they couldn't make up their minmds on whether to df me or not, then they sent a letter to Bethel legal asking directions on what decision to make- a month later they called and said I won my appeal the Society told them to drop it and overturn my DFing.

    If your friend feels he has a good chance of winning his appeal he should GO FOR IT ! Why not ? What does he have to lose ? Everything . What does he have to gain if he wins ? His family won't shun him ( if they support the DFing being overturned ) and he may be able to keep some close contacts if he doesn't want to lose them. The only reason I sought to overturn mY dfing was to keep contact with my 80 something year old parents, and possibly my daughters. It's worked in keeping in touch with my parents, but my daughters minds have been poisoned against me by my JW ex-wife. So I keep waiting patiently for them to grow up.

    Here is the clickable link to my JC meeting information and how I handled it back in 2007 :

    I hope this helps your friend and gives him some ideas and the courage to at least try. I mean, why not ? What are the elders gonna do ? Kill him ? Chop his balls off ? I mean, why NOT be the aggressor and chop THEIR balls off ( figuratively speaking ) ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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