Christ in You The Hope of Glory:Being Realized

by hopeofglory 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hopeofglory

    THe Mystery of the ages was revealed to the gentiles 2000 years ago. The Mystery is "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (colossians 1:27)

    The churches do not and never will teach this even though it was revealed to the gentiles. Christ himself said he will come and his father make their abode IN you. You are the temple of the living God . This is the oneness that father has been trying to lead mankind too for centruries. Not until we are set free from mans teachings will we come to realise this. The prophecies have been fulfilled in the 1st century and there is no dual fulfillment or types or shadows anymore.It is done. Many who are coming out of religion are testifying about Christ in them. The living word is what will give life to the nations, peoples and tribes and tongues not the written word which is true but only a testimony.The living word form within, the kingdom within, is what will bring healing,light and life to all. We have to step out of everything we have been conditioned about by man to realize it and to be truthful with you.It can mean a time of turmoil, tribulation within yourself as the layers upon layers pressed down in you to hide the light of Christ in you are stripped away. Once you come to this relaization. Messiah will reveal himself to you the more you look for his light in the darkness. Many who oppose what is being testified about are usually religious people who are stuck in the mental conditioning by others. Christ sets you free from condemnation, sin, death and you are his forever. No man made church , organization or religion can give you that freedom. Christ is saying to you come, he stands waiting at the door patiently for you to open up the door

  • JamesThomas

    The mystery of the ages was revealed way before 2000 years ago. Restrictive time tables and names is only a product of the story-telling mind.

    That said, Hopeofglory, I feel your core message is a very noble one. However, the language of Christian mysticism is extremely awkward and often contradictory. Why use the Bible and its phraseology in an attempt at a pure message when the book itself is so full of crap? It is also an extremely confusing exercise in non-duality via duality.

    What you are trying to convey ultimately has nothing to do with religion or belief systems at all, so why use language that is overly loaded with preconceived concepts and strong held beliefs? Why muddy the waters? Saying nothing, may be more productive (IMHO).

    Perhaps it is best to focus on ourselves; and if we see we are standing on a soapbox delivering an earthshaking message, it is likely a huge ego at play, and we have made no real progress at all.

    Better to be like a salt doll thrown in a river.

    Does this make any sense?

  • Crazyguy
    Of all things in the universe God would know waiting a long period of time after Jesus death to do anything, corruption from imperfect sinful humans who creep in. So why would he wait nearly 2000 years, ill tell you why because the god of the Bible is no more real then Horus or Zeus.
  • Viviane
    The churches do not and never will teach this even though it was revealed to the gentiles. Christ himself said he will come and his father make their abode IN you. You are the temple of the living God

    Fantastic. Another person who has figured it all out, all we need to do is trust them and ignore the other 10 people today that have it all figured out as long as we trust them. Of course, they all agree the others are wrong, but so what?

  • _Morpheus
    Im here to reveal to you that christ is full of crap. Hes lying to you. Thor has made it all very clear to me... Hes called me specially and will reveal himself to you too if you only look deep enough and believe enough!
  • freemindfade
    this just in...
    soon my god Zeus will smite both your dieties (Thor and Odin) and all the nonbelievers... that is all... BUY MY BOOK lol
  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I finally saw the Going Clear docu on Scientology last night, Hell i'm sold!

    LRH had it all figured out, you lot can kiss his shiney dead ass.

  • freemindfade

    For Cinco De Mayo!

  • Crazyguy
    Hopeofglory, remember Jesus said if you have faith you can move mountains he also told his followers that he would return before some of them died. Both turned out to be not true so this is the reason why I now worship myself because I don't lie like this.
  • hopeofglory
    i get you James .The bible is a written testimony about Christ and i use that for those who ares tuck in the written word .It is the living word within that gives light and life.Christ in you is the divine nature that is in all

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