JW Apologists on YouTube and the Net becoming bolder

by RayPublisher 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RayPublisher


    The JW "warriorprince" just responded last night. He wrote:


    "How could that be old news? "

    If it is not new news.

    I love Jehovah and the Watchtower society are the only organisation on earth that follow Jehovah. Are they perfect? No. If they were then the bible would have lied as it makes it clear all humans are imperfect, barring Jesus.

    Do I get along with all JW in the congregation? No. But I love Jehovah so stay. I have made many great friends who are JW from all races and nations, I love to travel to assemblies around the world and bethels.

    My heart will always be with Jehovah and his humble and imperfect organisation. You need to understand that the UN link did not condone the UN or support it is a the hope for mankind.

    My heart remains with Jehovah in these last hours.


    We note that he STILL has yet to address my question about him disobeying his GB masters (Or is it Slave-masters lol?) and watching these videos... I will respond to him with the WT quotes and see what he says...

  • RayPublisher


    Here is his latest response:


    The UN has not been endorsed by the Watchtower.

    I will speak to who I choose the Watchtower gives advice that's all.


    BRILLIANT! He has me on my knees, ready to repent and re-dedicate myself to the WT!!

  • Gojira_101

    Marked...I have to read this later...Thanks for doing this.


  • Londo111

    Some "advice" the Watchtower gives...if people don't follow it, they are shunned by 7 million people.

  • RayPublisher

    Yep. Here was my response:


    "I will speak to who I choose"

    Good for you Little Warrior! That's in direct violation of WT mandate and to your credit.

    "the Watchtower gives advice that's all"

    If I had a dime for every time I've heard that one I'd be a wealthy man. Try not taking their "advice" openly and see how far you will get! Once when the D.O. met with our elder body he said, "When the Society says, 'a good suggestion is to do [such and such] this way...' they don't mean it as a suggestion- we do it the way THEY say. These are not suggestions."

    I am QUOTING him BTW. That's exactly what he said. We are not to decide for ourselves. The GB is our conscience. WT headquarters does not give advice- they issue commands. At first you will be asked nicely, and treated gently, especially if you are a sister. But it is the iron fist in the velvet glove. I served in Brooklyn Bethel, and of this fact I can assure you.

    An elderly sister was DFed some years ago only because she said she didn't agree with Christ coming in 1914. "Nothing really happened then, and I've never been able to really understand the chronology anyway." were the gist of her words. After an hour or so of trying to "convince" her, the elders deliberated, and then disfellowshiped her. She has been cut off from association with her daughter, granddaughter, and other family members ever since. She is now almost 90 and none of her family have anything to do with her.

    Jesus said, "by your fruits you will recognize these ones". Yes indeed.


    On a related note, once my ex-wife said that the articles in the Watchtower were commentaries and good advice, like what Clark and Barnes and others have done. I responded by saying,

    "But if you disagree with Clark or Barnes they won't try and disfellowhip you."

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Ray: Unfortunately you are dealing with someone who refuses to think and is not intrested in truth. In reality, he doesn't care if his beliefs are true. His loyalty is to men, not god, and he will stubbornly resist any efforts to convince him otherwise.

    As is typical, when a JW is put on the spot and presented with clear evidence that their position is wrong, they will never address your points or answer your questions. The reason is simple: they cannot defend their position without looking foolish.

    Not that it will make any difference with him, but keep these quotes handy for future reference. Do these quotes sound like the WT is just dispensing "advice"? You can hardly be claiming to speak for god, be his only true organization, allow no independent thought, and claim no understanding is possible without the WT organization, and at the same time be claiming to be dispensing mere "advice". Ask this person, "if the WT only prints advice, how come you cannot disagree with it?"

    *** w83 1/15 p. 22 par. 21 Exposing the Devil’s Subtle Designs ***

    21 How is such independent thinking manifested? A common way is by questioning the counsel that is provided by God’s visible organization

    " The other sheep should never forget that their salvation depends on their active support of Christ's anointed " brothers" still on earth.". - W 3-15-12, p.20

    "False religious propaganda from any source should be avoided like poison! Really, since our Lord has used "the faithful and discreet slave" to convey to us "sayings of everlasting life," why should we ever want to look anywhere else?" Watchtower 1987 Nov 1 p.20

    "A mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned. He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. Rather, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and the faithful and discreet slave." (Watchtower, August 1, 2001, p. 14).

    The Watchtower, October 1, 1967 Issue, Page 590:

    ....[Jehovah's Witnesses] must recognize and accept this appointment of the "faithful and discreet slave" and be submissive to it.

    Wt 59 09/1 p 530

    "The voice of Jehovah speaks to us today through his organization, giving us correction and instruction in righteousness and in active ministerial service. "

    Wt 07 2/1 p24

    . "And as was true of Noah, our success depends on obedience. We must obediently follow the direction Jehovah provides through his Word and his organization"

    Wt 98 7/15 p14

    "How happy we are that Jehovah is still speaking to us today, through his Word and his organization! "

    "A basis for approved fellowship with Jehovahs Witnesses cannot rest merely on a belief in God, in the Bible, in Jesus Christ, and so forth. Simply professing to have such beliefs would not authorize one to be known as one of Jehovahs Witnesses. Approved association with Jehovahs Witnesses requires accepting the entire range of the true teachings of the Bible, including those Scriptural beliefs that are unique to Jehovahs Witnesses." (Watchtower, April 1, 1986, p. 31).

    But if each of us were left to himself just because he has a copy of the Bible and were to direct his movements independently as he thought he understood the Word, what? It is likely, or possible, that there would be a great deal of confusion or working in competition among us. Hence, besides individually possessing God's Word, we need a theocratic organization. Yes, besides having God's spirit of illumination, a Christian needs Jehovah's theocratic organization in order to understand the Bible. (The Watchtower; 6/15/1951; pp. 375)

    But Jehovah God has also provided his visible organization, his "faithful and discreet slave," made up of spirit anointed ones, to help Christians in all nations to understand and apply properly the Bible in their lives. Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do. (The Watchtower; 12/1/1981; pp. 27

  • RayPublisher

    ADCMS - I know that most will not be honest enough to let TTATT in...but some will and some have.

    If I reach one of them, and they reach one, and they reach one...ad infinitum!

  • punkofnice
    My heart remains with Jehovah in these last hours.

    I see this kind of phrase being repeated here. It's a cowardly cop out and I'd say he's becoming less bold at this stage. No matter what you say you'll get this mantra time after time.

    In other words: 'mind closed'. Delusion unaltered.

    This is the usual circular crap I've heard time and time again.

    It seems the WBT$ are god's mouthpiece except when they make 'mistakes(TM)' then they're not.

    There is no reasoning with this bloke.

  • OnTheWayOut

    RayPublisher, good job pointing out that he is in violation continually watching and communicating with you. I love his last shot at addressing that: "the Watchtower gives advice that's all" and your advice to openly not follow it.

    Little Warrior is acting as if he is in denial of reality, but Little Warrior knows he can't tell the elders/congregation that he's watching "apostate" videos and arguing with the "apostate" to try to help him. Little Warrior is struggling with his own thoughts on TTATT.

    I had one active JW comment on my book on Amazon, who clearly read the whole book when she knew from the introduction that she should stop. In her case, I don't think she was very clear on what the JW rules are. I felt flattered that she read the book and noticed that her negative comments were all about my attitude toward the religion and not about my writings. (Google "Amazon Fade from the Truth" if you want to read the comments.)

    Which video does Little Warrior comment on? Provide a link, as I would probably add my thoughts there.

  • Terry

    This is very much a thing young men experience when they are Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Young JW's want to prove themselves by being tested, confronted and by doing noble battle--especially in a public arena.

    A Psychologist would call it "differentiating".

    It is a rite of passage like the Australian Aborigine doing a "Walkabout".

    For a Jehovah's Witness to converse IN ANY MANNER with an obvious "Apostate" is a clear violation of Watchtower policy as of September 15, 1983.

    The fact that one would do so demonstrates a WEDGE between the compartments in his cognitive dissonance and is a CRY for SANITY.

    Your posts and videos have reached the rational part of his brain while the JW part is squirming and cringing in "doubt".

    This dissonance MUST be RESOLVED or he cannot remain at peace in mind numbness.

    By being loving, kind, non-provocative and caring you will do more good than in any testosterone flinging melee.

    Simply exactly quote your premise by cut and pasting the official WT position and then point out the conflict. That's all you need do.

    The UN thing is covered clearly by Dont Call Me Shirley in an exacting format. I'd copy that example.

    Good fishing!

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