In Memory of my nephew Kristian!

by Beck_Melbourne 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beck_Melbourne

    In Memory of Kristian Raymond Wright – 1975 – March 2002

    It was 2am when we got the distress call. We were all tucked into our warm beds fast asleep when we heard the banging on the door....I got up to look outside and saw a familiar vehicle. I woke Andy...he lept out of bed and ran downstairs to open the door....he just knew it was bad news. My brother in law stood at the door sobbing ‘Kris is dead...Kris hung us...we need you’. I was standing at the top of the stairs looking down at the two grown men who were shaking with a new grief I’ve never seen which would soon consume our lives for the next few days...and possibly for years to come.

    Kris left this world a confused and troubled young man of 26 yrs. On the outside, you would have thought that the world was his oyster. He had parents who loved him and were proud of him. He was a talented artist in his own right and was admired and adored by many of his friends and peers. He also possessed good looks and he had a charming charisma that other young men envied, he was a true ‘chick magnet’. But on the inside....he was deeply troubled....tortured in fact....and no one knew how to reach him....and now it is too late.

    If suicide has touched your life...I would dearly love to hear from you. If the death of a child has touched your life...I would love to hear from you. If you have ever felt suicidal in the past and can share your thoughts as to why...I would love to hear from you. I am really just wanting to tap into the wealth of experiences and knowledge that is out there...thanks in advance.


  • notperfectyet

    Oh my,
    What a beautiful child. A year younger than my oldest. How tragic.
    I have no words to say, except I am so, so very sorry.

  • myself


    What a terrible loss. I am speechless as to what to say except i am so sorry for your family's loss.

  • Scully


    Thanks for sharing this with us! Kris looks so happy and handsome, such a tragic loss.

    Thanks for the e-mail too, I'm glad you received mine!

    We've missed you here!

    Love, Scully

  • VioletAnai

    Oh, Beck, how can I express my sadness!!!!!!!!!!! I've been touched personally by suicide, once I attempted it myself, and once my friend Dave attempted it...he succeeded where I failed...and left a huge, gaping hole in my life.....

    Can anyone truly say this world is fine when acts of desparation such as this occur everyday because these individuals cannot conceive a way out of their situation.

    Beck, I hope you are doing well and please drop me a email if you need to chat or just need some support, a bitch, a cry, a moan, a complain, I'm here for you babe....

    Give your whole family a huge bear hug for me and let them know they and Kris will be in my prayers.....

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    So sorry, he was a very good looking young man.
    My cousin Troy committed suicide at the age of 20. He had it all too, or so everyone else thought. Unfortunately, he never realized how many people loved him and admired him and now he's been gone for 13 years.
    I will never, ever forget the grief I felt when I heard the news. He and I were only 1 month in age apart and we had grown up together. All the "what ifs" that sprang forth the following days and weeks were agonizing to all of us who were close to him. We all saw the signs way too late and the only good was that we all have drawn closer to each other and try to remember to keep close to each other in any way we can.
    Try to remember all the good memories and share them with each other.
    It's such a loss, so very sorry to hear about it.


  • chezza

    Hey beck sweety, thinking of you as always, i know the feelings of deep dispair all to well, i even attempted my own suicide but failed, it is so hard to describe why we feel that way, for me it was a feeling of being trapped in a life i didnt want and all the expectations on me, you dont think of anything else at the time except wanting your pain to be over, i survived and now i am so happy in my life that it doesnt even come into my head anymore. Once again James and i are here for you whenever you need us, all you have to do is call.Love ya.

  • AlanF

    I'm so sorry to hear of the death of this young man! I don't know the circumstances, but any such death is too tragic for words. What troubled Kris so badly?


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Thank you all for your warm and thoughtful words. I don't know what his last thoughts were...we only know that he was distressed during the last few hours of his life. However, that being said..he led a life of distress...he seemed to struggle to get over obstacles that most of us could step over with ease...for Kris it was a mighty effort. I don't know why he suffered so deeply...but he did.

    I am so sorry to hear that others have experienced a loss like this...yet without being is comforting in a sad but hopeful way.

    For those of you who have felt similar despair...thank you for sharing with me. Life is good...and there is so much living to be had. I'm so glad you pulled thru...and you are able to understand, and help/comfort people like me.


  • plmkrzy

    ((((((((Beck))))))) my heart goes out to you. I'm very sorry.

    No matter how thin you slice it there are always two sides

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