My life of Debauchery since leaving WTBT$-They were right!!!

by Gojira_101 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gojira_101

    Since April 1st will be officially 6 months and I will be considered inactive, I thought this would be a good time for me to review my life since leaving....and I guess WTBT$ is right in that my life would return to a debauched state if I left here is my review and I'm being totally serious here.

    SEX: Yes I have sex with my husband.....I guess we have returned to the world because we take advantage of our marital dues.

    RELATED TO SEX: No longer just missionary.

    DRUGS: YES I have been taking drugs......My allergies have been so bad the last few days I just couldn't handle it anymore and I gave in to the temptation to take Over The Counter allergies medicine.

    ROCK AND ROLL: YES......I am no longer listening to the Kingdom Melodies (I never really did anyways), and have gone to listening to the devils music. Godsmack, Metallica, Avenge Sevenfold, Disturbed, Five Finger Death Punch.

    PARTYING: YES.....tonight in fact we are going over to my husband's classmates house for dinner with his family, a Mormon family who is being shunned by their cult also.

    ENTERTAINMENT: YES....I just bought Monty Python's Life of Brian Rated R (Thanks to Don'tCallMeShirly's topic on him being the Christ and the comments on there about the movie)

    RELATED TO ENTERTAINMENT: YES.....playing violent video games...oh wait I did that as a JW, forget I mentioned this.

    No wonder the elders are trying to track me down as I type this (That thread coming tomorrow). WTBT$ was right I would return to a debauched life because I was no longer under their protective wings......I'm using heavy sarcasm while typing this because in reality the only thing that has changed is I feel free of WTBT$ kool-aid, and just plain feel free!!!!!

  • sooner7nc


    Just Kidding! Good for you and Welcome to the rest of your life.

  • Finkelstein

    Leaving the WTS/JWS = leaving lies corruption, exploitation, manipulation and ignorance

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    No doubt you are also feeling totally miserable like all the others who leave the 'truth'!! (Happiest people in the world)


  • cantleave

    Sounds like our debauched lifestyle since leaving!

  • 2+2=5

    Congratulations on the deplorable state of affairs your pathetic life has become without the WTBS. You really are pure scum. Not to worry, all appstates have terrible mental diseases.

    April will be six months of inactivity for me also. I have already sacrificed my children to Satan on the altar I built in my living room.

  • wasblind

    Shamless hussy you !!!!!!

    You have the true mark of Jezebel

  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    This makes me smile. Good on you.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Our debased lifestyle now includes attending fundraising events for terminally ill people. Aren't we just awful?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Are you watching soap operas and reading vampire romance novels now? Taking any "higher education" classes?

    There are just sooo many forbidden things to do after leaving Waktower, there's hardly time to shower and brush my teeth... but I do. Actually, I shower in and brush my teeth with vodka in order to multitask my hygiene with required post-JW over-drinking.

    In actuality, I'm drinking less after WT than I was while I was in bethel. I guess I need to shape up.

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