Need Help: What Would You Try to Tell Current JW's?

by daringhart13 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • daringhart13

    I've been journaling a lot the past couple of was recommended to me by a therapist when my anger was boiling over.

    So recently I decided to start an exercise: what would you tell them if they would listen?

    I've started listing my top 10 and it's interesting......I'm over all of the doctrinal insanity.....I'm forever indebted to the more scholarly among us that have put so much effort into research, writing, etc.!!!

    Mine all focused on more 'human' subjects....emotions, pain, etc. The Bible passages flood into my mind on each one......just more proof of the hypocrisy of this insane cult.

    But I'm curious......what would YOU share with someone....someone that had doubts, was skeptical or just in PAIN??

  • jgnat

    I would tell them that Jehovah loves them no matter what.

  • LostGeneration

    Good question.

    If I could really get them to listen and understand, I would have them understand what their Armageddon teaching means. Killing innocent people, worldwide, everyone except JWs. Their neighbors, the mailman, the store clerk, the teacher at school. The list is endless.

    That means for every JW that lives through Armageddon, 1,000 people would have to die. Of those 1000, about 300 would be children. Are they willing to have 300 children die at the hands of their bloodthirsty God just so that they can have their pet panda bear?

    Mass shootings like Sandy Hook would be absolutely nothing compared to WT-style Armageddon.

    They just don't get that THIS IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. I wish they would understand that!

  • Roberta804

    Good question daringhart,

    My answer is simple: Nothing. Absolutly nothing. I would wait until they asked me specific questions or they themselves brought up a specific topic. Why? Because JWs are constantly being told this, and being told that; they are not allowed to think for themselves, nor are they taught to be respectful of the beliefs of others. If I started telling them this and that, tearing down their beliefs then they may as well stay a JW, that is what they are USED TO and they know how to respond to all that. If you really want to get their attention, your actions will speak louder than any words. Be totally respectful of their JW cult beliefs, in as much as it is their beliefs. They do not know how to handle respect. If asked a specific question about my beliefs, whatever they may be, say you do not want to discuss it because you know JWs are taught to disrespect the beliefs of others. If they persist and are respectful, then remind them they are asking. What you are after is to get them to take responsibility for the asking of the question. You can even say something encouraging by acknowledging that you know how difficult it is for them to ask any questions.

    It is not what you say, but how you say it. If they really want to know doctrine stuff they know the internet is full of it. Responsibility and respect for others is the big issues you want to teach; but you can't "teach" these things.... they have to be experienced.

  • moshe

    Are you happy? with a followup to the JW- You need to stop lying.

  • Emery

    The authority which rests with the organization is non-existent and false.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi daringhart13, I wouldn't tell them anything. Wouldn't it be better to ask JWs questions to help them to think critically and do independent research for themselves?

    Have you thought about asking JWs simple questions about how they feel or ask them to help you understand the WTBTS's doctrines and how they practise the doctrines in accordance with the Bible?

    When they say some kind of platitude like the GB is composed of imperfect men, you can ask them why do they follow imperfect men? Don't they trust the Holy Spirit, which Our Father in Heaven gave to everyone after Jesus Christ was resurrected? Or, when they say "Where else shall we go?" ask them don't they mean "To whom?" (John 6:60-70), and you could ask them if they have visited if they insist that they must go to a place rather than follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • QueenWitch

    1. If it's the truth, why does it keep changing? Why is research outside of WBTS frowned upon? If it is the truth, shouldn't it stand up to scrunity?

    2. Why is there no provision made for those who leave voluntarily? They are treated the same way as those who are ousted.

    3. If God is omipotent, why is a man-made organization necessary?

  • steve2

    1. That there is far more love and hope in the world than they could have ever thought possible.

    2. That putting your life on hold whilst awaiting a worldwide paradise than never arrives is one of the oldest motivating cons known to humankind.

    3. That life is not an emergency and living it as if it were an emergency is soul-destroying and life-sapping.

    4. That their slamming shut the door on alternative views is exactly what they accuse householders of doing.

    5. That becoming stricter in your beliefs does not make them any less false or any "truer".

    6. That, if the light is getting brighter, why has the Watchtower continued to condemn men and women who were disturbed by the darkness inside the organization decades ago and tried to enlighten their fellow believers?

    7. That Jehovah's witnesses may not literally kill their fellow humans on the battlefield but they have no problem killing the spirit and soul of their most vulnerable members.

    8. That they have allowed the teachings of men to take precedence over having normal family ties and bonds.

    9. That field service report cards are more valued in the organization than the heart conditions of those reporting.

    10. That those who claim to have exclusive access to "Truth" must be held to a higher standard of accountability regarding what the "Truth" actually entails.

  • extractor

    If I could actually find a JW who wouldn't scamper away like a kitchen floor cockroach, I'd try to get them to see that the WT just isn't anything special. There are LOTS of groups with the same M.O... "Join our group or die." Even UFO alien cults for crying out loud... "The aliens are coming to kill humanity; join our group or die." Financial cults... "The world financial system is about to collapse; join our group or experience financial ruin." etc... The WT is actually quite boring in it's predicability.

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