Memorial Invites from Door to Door?

by NeonMadman 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • NeonMadman

    Is this the first year that the JWs have been out aggressively handing out Memorial invitations from door to door? I've been out for about 12 years now, but as I recall, congregations used to receive a relatively limited number of Memorial invitations, and they were pretty much reserved for Bible studies, good RVs, inactive persons, and others who had some sort of connection to the organization. They were not just randomly handed out from house to house - that was what the "special talk" invitations were for.

    It occurs to me that this might be an attempt by the WTS to pump up the Memorial attendance so as to maintain the illusion of continued growth. If the general public was not aggressively invited before, and now is being invited, it would likely result in a higher total attendance. However, it skews the comparison with prior years, since the public was generally not solicited to come back then. With growth in developed nationd becoming flatter and flatter, might this just be a way of convincing the rank and file that Jehovah is still 'speeding up the work?'

  • 2+2=5

    It's been going for a few years now. Not sure exactly when but probably started 5 years ago.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    You would think the JW's would be embarrassed to have worldly people come to their Memorial celebration without "being conditioned" first, as to why the JW Lord's Evening Meal celebration is so different.

  • LostInTranslation

    <--- This worldly person has had the JW's come to her door twice in the last 4 days pushing their memorial fliers..

    Good times!!

  • FatFreek 2005
  • Ding

    "Come to the Memorial."

    "Oh, by the way, you aren't worthy to partake."

    "Then again, neither are we..."

  • lost1

    Never had an invite through my door though not surprised since the incident with the hose pipe but went round to friends about 5 minutes walk away and there was her invite!! Just missed them - dam!!

  • prologos

    In the last years only, it seems mainly an attempt to

    keep the JWs R&F TOO BUSY to think. About the disaster that is looming.

    Enough invitations are distributed, that if honored, would produce enough attendees to

    fill every sports stadium in the world .

    Jesus invited only 12 out of 500,

    not all of Israel, which was suppose to switch from the Law- to the New Covenant.

  • moshe

    JW, be careful who you invite-- they might ruin the party.

  • DT

    I think it's funny how they will limit you to one paper towl at a convention and then give millions of those invites away to people who don't even want them.

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