Do you blame Jehovah, Yahweh, God, Jesus, etc. for the corruption of the borg?

by Fading Begins 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Yeah, because they dont exist..... damn them! Also damn the unicorns, and the Scottish..... just because they are grumpy.

  • Phizzy

    Is that what "canny" really means ? grumpy ?

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    A non existent entity cannot be blamed for anything.

    It would be like blaming Santa for lousy xmas presents. Or not getting any at all.

  • Xanthippe

    I blame the smurfs and the unicorns, especially the Scottish ones

  • whathappened

    Of course not. The Watchtower Society is totally man made and man directed.

  • wasblind

    Jesus said know one will know when the Kingdom comes but........

    The WTS said,

    " Huh, that's what You think Jesus. We gonna keep on guessin 'til it do come "

    The WTS stated in the Aug. 2006 Awake that in reguards to blood fractions

    " The bible doesn't mention it , It's an individual choice ." Not a problem if you lost

    somebody to our flawed belief , wait on the ressurection. And boom There it is !!!! "

    The WTS says " We are Witnesses for Jehovah. " Forget about Acts 1:8

    Who do Jesus thinks he is !!!!!! A King !!!!!!



    It seems to me that Russell started out with good intentions. Rutherford turned it into a business and the rest is history.

    Now I think the only god that is involved is money.

  • Satanus

    I agree w all of the above, and add that corruption, keeping control by any means is a natural human trait. It's as natural among humans as it is among animals that have social structures, where they have alphas. To combat it, the nonalphas need to cooperate to cut out the alphas and their positions.


  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Nope. I find it hard to blame something that doesn’t exist. I have no problem believing in something once there's proof of it's existence.


    Freedom!!! We all have freedom. The freedom to believe what ever we want to believe. That's why some believe in God and others don;t. but , of course, our freedom doesn;t end there, does it?

    Hitler had freedom and people were free to follow him too.

    Freedom to love or hate people, things, ideas or whatever.

    I blame freedom, but what else could you do, remove freedom?

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