Pat Boone calls the President some very bad names, on Fox

by designs 52 Replies latest social current

  • designs

    Just to give Sulla some reprieve, although being on a holy high this week is going to be tough to top- Evangelical darling Pat Boone called the President ....... a Marxist, Socialist, Kenyan Muslim, and and a Progressive ('progressive' is the worstededed 4 letter name you can be called you know).

    This is what a pop singer does with his time since he hasn't had a hit since he covered Little Richards- a bop bop, a loo mop, a lop mop mop Tuttie Fruiti!!!

  • Mum

    Are there Marxist Muslims? In Kenya? Anything's possible, I suppose.

  • designs

    I know, personally I always thought the President was in the Mau Mau Revolution.

  • NoRegrets

    Whatta jerk! He can disagree with the President, fine! That's his right. But let's keep the debate above board and based on facts, not on name-calling and innuendos that are merely race-baiting!


  • BizzyBee

    On FOX? Pat Boone, the senile heart throb of the 50's?

    Meantime, the anchors on MSNBC are interviewing actual members of congress and the administration (both R & D), breaking important stories, making documentaries, pursuing real journalism and writing books.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Are there Marxist, Progressive Muslim Kenyans?

    Pat Boone should be deported for having a daughter, Debbie, who did horrible, major damage to my ear drums when her hit You Light Up My Life was played non stop for three years in the 70s.

  • mrsjones5

    I liked the song from the movie better.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I can't remember what it sounded like. I saw part of the movie in recent years and I thought, ah so that's where the song came from. I hated the song then. I don't so much anymore. I think my geritol years are kicking in.

  • designs

    I just had a flash of Purgatory- stuck in an elevator for three years and Debbie Boone's 'You Light up My Life' is the only thing playin on the sound loop

  • ShirleyW

    "Pat Boone should be deported for having a daughter, Debbie, who did horrible, major damage to my ear drums when her hit You Light Up My Life was played non stop for three years in the 70s"

    DITTO ! We must be around the same age FHN.

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