Email "Hey Mr. X, We Had A Elder Read A Spoof Story From The Platform!" ROFLMAO!

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rebel8

    We were once told that the Wiltshire standing stones at Stone Henge could only have been put there by the nephilim.

    Now THAT is a good one! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Basically I've found these urban legends fall into 1 or several of the following categories:

    1-People who haven't had the opportunity to learn critical thinking, repeating things based on "who" told them instead of examining "what" was said. This describes a lot of dubs and it is actually the main reason they are dubs in the first place--they have no critical thinking skills.

    2-People who have critical thinking skills but choose not to exercise them. Why? Laziness, fear of change, wanting to fit in, who knows.

    3-People who know it's probably not true and repeat it to manipulate the listeners. (Like when I was told to lie on an assembly part about wanting to pioneer, turning down a scholarship or some such nonsense.)

    None of these are legitimite excuses. j-dubs make the list!

  • hoser

    Oh yeah. Happened all the time. That's why we don't believe 99% of those 'experiences' we hear from the platform unless we know the person personally.

    and if it is on a assembly the DO tells you what to say (lie) so it sounds better.

  • alecholmesthedetective

    I now see how strange it was that I would believe it when I heard a story or read some 'experience' that the demons said JWs are the true religion or something of the sort. I mean, Christ, we get a confirmation even from the demons and not a peep from God. When you have to have Satan telling you your religion is the right one that should tell you something.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Oh gosh I couldn't stomache these urban tales much when I was fading. The stories were so terribly fanciful, I couldn't imagine anyone believing them. But the pubs just ate it up and u usually heard one or two strories plagerised at the next school.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Not only do they read fake stories, they make them up too. About a year ago a speaker used as an introduction something like this:

    "Some people went searching for the devil to interview him. They went to Vegas, nothing. They went to San Francisco, nothing. They went to ...(some other "sinful" city, I forget), nothing. They came back and found him outside at the door of the kingdom Hall. When they asked the devil why he was there and not in Vegas or San Francisco where they expected him to be, the response of the devil was " I already got everyone else, it is the people inside Kingdom Halls that I haven't been able to get to serve me"

    Yes, it hapenned!!!

    A bit off subject, but I keep reading "Andre". Anyone can bring the "light" on the "Andre" story? I will take a link if the response is too long.

  • snare&racket

    " it was a Thursday night... Had they been in a Kingdom Hall the incident would not have happened."

    I heard this and similar throughout my years as a JW..... Then it was my turn. The fact I was pulling wheelies on a 600cc sports bike is irrelevant, it was a Thursday night...

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