Bloody Hell! How did I miss the JW Graphic Novel?

by cantleave 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cantleave

    Wow! That is messed up! Why don't they show the entire account in detail for the children. You know the parts I am talking about!

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan


    'coz will be one complicated-ass "bees and flowers" talk......

  • Phizzy

    Of course, this will do nothing to stem the homophobia within the WT.

    As the little brain-washed and mind-controlled Dubbies grow up they will imagine the sin of Sodom to be what most people think, wheras it was really an issue of ignoring the "law" that astranger within your city, or camp or tent was under your protection. That was the sin.

  • civicsi00

    HAHA, Wow...

    And no mention of Lot wanting to give up his daughters to keep the "angels" safe? Are they going to continue the story showing how his daughter's committed incest with their own father to produce children??

  • cobaltcupcake

    Is this the only "graphic novel" they've produced? If so, why this story? Why not something pleasant, like Jesus blessing the children?

    They used the wife of Lot in their connect-the-dots pictures too. Why are they so hung up on that story?

  • Emery

    Sucks they have such great artists. They must be really trying to market the youth movement as of late. Too bad they keep disfellowshipping them!

  • WifeyWHisme1970

    Cupcake- hey I think it's because it's a perfect visual aid for their indoctrinating of children. From the first days in a babies life, they are forced to see these images in the bible stories book. I get extremely sick talking about it, but if forums like this don't point the reality of disgust to faders or people in question, then these innocent children keep having to view these cult enforcers ideas. It's perfect for them to teach mom and dad to use this picture for punishment rather than actually work at molding their children into loving human beings. They would learn to love and respect one another out of wanting to please God rather doing it because they fear Gods going to take their leg, arm, or choke them to death with hard rock salt being forced into their mouths for disobeying. There is no other way to state this torcher besides calling it child abuse. I'm so thankful my hubby saw my issue with this kind of subliminal control and our family is free!

    Please help others you know, that are still in, to never expose children to visual aids like this one. And for the one who compared this to disney movies, i ask you to think deeper about the true meaning of what's happening here. Parents are not making their children save the lion kingdom or they are going to die. Or save buzz..ect. Children have intelligent minds. They are suppose to feel comfort and trust with the parents. They are going to believe mostly what mom n dad tell them to believe. And what all their spiritual mothers, friends, babysitters, show them in the book almost every meeting! My point being, Disney is extra entertainment chosen by the parent and do not fear a child into obedience if the parent explains it correctly. Jw cult tactics are forced upon the parent as a way to fear a child into obedience or die. Adults have the choice to escape the org! Children don't.


    I do not prefer the new style of comics these days, somethings off. I like the older style drawings. Neal Adams was my favorite.

    " Why not something pleasant, like Jesus blessing the children? " Since Rutherford's take over, there has never been an heart-warming story about Jesus. CTR did the photo-drama of creation, which I would love to watch. That featured Jesus. Has there ever been a Drama about Jesus, or a movie about Jesus? What about a book for children, all about Jesus?

    The realization that the one true channel of God could not, or would not make a drama for a DC, or a movie about Christ Jesus, the Head of everything in the Universe for the forseeable future, was disturbing. Talk about anti-christ...

  • notjustyet

    DO NOT LOOK BACK, or you too may end up a condiment!!


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