The importance of 1975 or was that 1976?

by Listener 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    4129 (WT Reprints 1896)

    4128 The Time is At Hand (1889) p 53

    4028 The Truth Shall Make You Free (1943) p 152. Already mentioned in the Golden Age, March 13, 1935, p 376

    4026 The Kingdom Is At Hand (1944) p 171

    4025 New Heavens and a New Earth (1953) p 364

    4026 All Scripture Is Inspired (1963); p 286; WT 10-1-1975 p 585; Insight Volume I (1988) p 459

  • Listener

    Thanks Blondie. They originally taught that the 6,000 years ended in around 1872. Here is there reasoning for the 100 year difference

    August 15 1974 Watchtower pg 505-509


    Man’s creation was placed in 4128 and sin’s entrance in 4126 B.C.E. Such chronology followed an incorrect manuscript rendering of Acts 13:20 in The Emphatic Diaglott, which said that God gave Israel judges “about four hundred fifty years, till Samuel the prophet.” A footnote stated that this was at variance with 1 Kings 6:1, where the Hebrew letter daleth (thought to represent the number 4) supposedly had been mistaken for the similar character he (5). Hence, it was suggested that 580 (not 480) years elapsed between Israel’s exodus from Egypt and the time that Solomon began building Jehovah’s temple. But the oldest manuscripts spell out all numbers. So a transcriber’s visual error could not have occurred at 1 Kings 6:1, which gives this period correctly as 480 years. This harmonizes with a correct reading of Acts 13:20, which indicates that the period of “about four hundred and fifty years” there mentioned preceded the era of the Judges.

    In 1943 the Watch Tower Society’s book “The Truth Shall Make You Free” did away with the nonexistent extra 100 years in the period of the Judges and placed the end of 6,000 years of man’s existence in the 1970’s. It also fixed the beginning of Christ’s presence, not in 1874, but in 1914 C.E.

  • Larsinger58

    It's amazing. The Bible clearly shows that 70 years of desolation of the land preceded the return. Josephus as well shows this understanding in Jewish historical tradition, except Josephus introduces the 70 years in connection with the last deportation in year 23 of Neb2 as does the Bible, rather than year 18 as do the witnesses. Even so, it is clear if the Bible's history and timeline are correct that the Babylonian records were revised. We get a quick confirmation when the records themselves admit they are "copies" and when they were copied, which was during the Persian Period.

    So even academically, we know the Bablonians didn't revise their own records and probably were good, honest historians for the most part. But that doesn't stop later cultures and kingdoms from destroying or revising those records. It is clear that is what has happened, yet no one here or anywhere else are siding with the Bible and going toward more criticism of the pagan historical records! So all this anti-Biblical discussion under the pretense of intellectualism is just a farse and totally biased. But, why not, since Satan wishes to control and deceive the entire world with his propaganda, so powerful, it might even deceive the elect.

    But now, the elect have the reality so all that propaganda is swallowed up by something more concrete. Truly, "the truth shall set you free."

  • Elijehovah

    4028bc is from 1942 when Exodus was 1515bc. The correct exodus is 1513bc not developed by WT until the year 1955 at my birth. And many ancient chronologies does prove this. However, the new revised 2013 NWT is still placing the writing of Joshua ending with his death as 1450bc (and start of judges). In their INSIGHT book they have trashed their JUDGES timeline. This is because like JOHN the Baptizer, i run ahead. Like John all the apostles are saying reprove this man Lord because he knows you are christ and does not follow you. the question is though, does the GB approve of all DF by elders. Do the great crowd elders like the apostles try to rule the anointed GB as if to protect them by setting themselves above the anointed. Do not lesser ones of the great crowd elders not DF holy anointed partakers! Should they the great crowd go into the GB and DF them too. OR are 8 men protected from the fate of slaughter that other holy ones go thru when the great crowd is allowed to say you are too young to be anointed. YES does bride slaughter bride.... scripture says who told you that you could begin ruling without the rest of us? Is this what you are doing? And James had to defend himself against evil christians who said he was trying to WORK his salvation. And he sad your works are not the fiath you pretend. Satan has faith that almighty God exists and yet he too will die having faith iwhout works, Satan will be dead.

    This 1450bc in the 2013 NWT is wrong because it is based on Rutherford placing the 25 years of Joshua (source Josephus, Hippolytus) as 40 years later in 1475bc (not 1473bc) and thus 1475-1450bc. The Roman Era 753bc and the NeoBabylon Era 747bc are both 180 leap days of 720 years expecting Noah's wicked Canaan to be theirs, (not Israel's) measured from 1473bc and 1467bc. Verification that Jerusalem was taken by Joshua in 1468bc is clear by Demetrius and Eupolemus placing Exodus in 1468bc where upon Josephus Against Apion says that one nation mistakes direct exodus from Egypt to taking Jerusalem. One fact Demetrius & Eupolemus prove is that the year of Shem's death is in xx43bc instead of xx68bc. This clearly indicates Abraham inherited the title melchizedek from Shem. And the confusion is linked to 25-year Joshua (1467-1442bc) following years 1468-1443bc) because Shem died in 1868bc and Abram died 25 years later in 1843bc. Thus Joshua's 1468bc take of Jerusalem is Shem's year 1000 (400 after death), and his last year 1443bc of making the Jewish 19-year calendar is 400 after Abram's death. So it is to their shame they hang onto 1450bc when i have sent these facts to them 3 times since 1986 and 30 years have gone by of their not caring. This is why i wrote to them under the name Modecai saying if Esther does not change nor wake up, then Jehovah will provide the last saints form elsewhere and Esther's house will die.

  • Elijehovah

    So many here and everywhere quote Josephus who is so divided. He does the 70-year in Antiquities and he does the 50-year in Against Apion. there is confusion where they think Darius the Mede (538-537bc) is Persian Darius (522-520bc). Seder Olam does this too. Josephus uses chronology that he mistakenly counts forward to a destruction in years to 66AD thus creating a 3 1/2 year shift in everything form his 997bc division to Masada. I find it interesting that the poster here says he uses 23rd year of nebuchadnezzar instead of 18th year (19th year from ascension). Because this too could be confusing Josephus wondering whether his 70 years ends 574bc or 570bc. The 644-574bc would align with Nabopolassar's 645bc of which few people realize that anointing a son in 625bc is in honor of 365 leap days of 1625bc death of Amizaduga who laid out the end of the world as 3600 years.

    I spent all day today working on an RTF of Apion because I had a PDF, and highlighting in a PDF is readable notes only for the computer it is done on. You can not share your notes and yellow highlighting of a PDF. The rich man says the poor man must take scraps because they think theyll go to heaven for inventing PDF and windows, when in resurrection to life on earth they will find that all of them for 4000 years has made our lives hell by inventing these very partial to WHO they save, whose lives being those who pay whether money or simply enslavement indebt to all the people who think their skills are gold, and nobody wants the fruits of we who consider our insight as from God and so give free, no charge, no copy right, public domain, may you eat and be saved, let those thriving on their rights and capitalistic gain and ownership be like Jacob's uncle Laban who becomes enslaved and killed by the advance of Hamurabi. We like Jacob will flee it.

  • heathen

    I'm surprised they aren't going to push for a 40 yr . fullfillment since that would get everyone all excited about this next year , to name all animal species would definitely take a long time , I think the number 40 signifies completeness if I remember correctly . They do today refuse to speculate on a date for anything , it's nice to be able to fall back on the obvious , such as we are imperfect men , they need to admit to lying tho .. using false info to sell magazines . Always so funny how the end is so close but they still need your money to build new facilities .

  • Elijehovah

    King Amizaduga's prediction of Armageddon in 3600 years proves Adam was 4025bc not 4026bc. The 8-year Venus of 2370bc December drifts back to May of 1626bc (744 years = 93x 8 years). It becomes Taurus not Capricorn. Every 8 years in Capricorn is thus an apostate lie that simply is based on the amateur ignorant not allowing himself to see that the Venus pentacle of 5 conjunctions slowly rotates not just the 2 leap days in 8 years, but also as 12 days in 40 years (drifting back 2 Egyptian dates). Thus Venus of 1625bc December (about 584-day orbit after 1626bc May) matches the 2370bc December Flood Venus. In fact, each point making a round in 243 years is the same Venus as Shem's death 1868bc December. Thus locking these dates. Semiramis and Shem-Ramis actually depend on sothic date (Julian leap days) in 243 years or same ecliptic star making a 235-year return, or seasonal 251-year azimuth of the sun and venus using a tower or a pole. Shem's 502 years is twice 251-year Shem-Ramis... he is not 100+500 but 98+502. Point is it locks in everywhere, and draws the line of whether you will see God, or claim it is Satan, as they did to Jesus and killed him. Thus 1626bc May is 2400am which means 2399 years back is 1am in 4025bc. And 1625bc is 2401am meaning 2400 back to 1am in 4025bc.

    The claim that Noah's birthday is 600 some day after 600th begins is twisted thinking because 599 years end when 600th begins. Either the whole world (Moses) uses Noah's years, or they are using calendar new years for all things. This is proven when all chronologies prove Arpaxad was conceived on the ark in year 600 but born in the next year 601 as the 2nd year, but he becomes age 1 on the new year 602. This is proven by the rise of Mars as the Creation Marduk every 13 years of 360-day. Thus it means that year 1 and 1 year and 1st year was all equated as the same thing. It is the calendar new year that follows the existence of anything. Thus another fact is locked that it is 1655 years between Adam and Flood year 1656am which is 4025bc to 2370bc. (2370bc carbon dates as 20,000 years; 2320bc ice cap as 10,000bc; 2237bc Jericho as 7000bc, 2170bc Giza as 3000bc, 2207bc as 2700bc, 2148bc as 2500bc, 2078bc as 2321bc, and lastly 2030bc is correct.)

    The claim that new years day was not celebrated is false when the fact shows they chose the 360-day calendar new year to cut and remove the ark door. This new year though absent new moon 2369bc Oct 6, was 360-day new year from the calendar that wicked angels inaugurated for humans when Adam was 390. The fact is they went up and down that mountain Ararat form their new home the ark for 56 days until winter storm pushed them out on the 27th day of the 2nd month (2369bc Julian Dec 1 = seasonal Gregorian Nov 11). At this point, anything not removed from the ark quick enough got frozen and buried in the increasing snowfall they had never seen before. Good thing they celebrated that new year. Egyptian ritual presents Noah in the ark as trapped in his own coffin waiting to get out in 40 days. Though they were trapped more than 40 days ( a whole year as it will be again this year in 2014), the sky itself came out when the rain stopped and unveiled a new sun (wow cancerous) and stars in just those 40 days. This is also derived from a 40-day séance in 2021bc when Noah died on Dec 25 and a spirit in Babel claimed to be him until Thoth 24 (which was Feb 2 in 2020bc). Again the time gets so locked, that in unveils 1000s of other locked dates. It is not astrology, because when astrology is false, it will not lock, and it will have contradiction. Everything can be calculated when Obama announces that we do have an asteroid impact coming. It will be true, as true as Jupiter getting hit by the comet we watched. The lie, is what to do about it. THAT is what will kill 7 billion. And the reason to hate those 7 billion or glad they are dead is because they themselves will become insulted and hating as Judas against Jesus, Haman against Mordecai. the world with worse tribulation is the world that needs to survive extinction.... in the Flood the world tribulation is any damn we care about angels or millions drowning. The worst tribulation was to those 8 people. if they don’t survive, then humans are extinct. This is why the tribulation that matters is the hell the survivors go thru, because if the power of resurrection goes from God to Jesus to bride to children, then how will the children of Armageddon resurrect ALL dead to 2nd chance if no one survives? All knees bend to the family only if that family lives. man goes extinct as Satan wants, and no resurrection will begin because apostles raised miracles in Jesus name. The children will do miracles if they awaken to see they can in the bride's name, and the survivors will do so for 1000 years but only if there are survivors. This fact can be seen only if you realize that some power must exist to make all knees bend to christ (the middle enforcer). The christ grows just as the kingdom grows, all will have to admit that the whole chain since Adam had to survive, or none of the 28 billion humans would be back on earth alive. This is the ONLY way that one can say all had to admit christ was king. For as Adam could not be created unless God birthed him thru Jesus as our father, so too God made it that Jesus would not be human unles birthed by mary who had fathers back to Adam. Jesus bacme his own grandpa. And so now his children grow up and become his wife who bear more children who become a greater bigger wife to him until all are a wife to God himself. Thus all things restored, the knee bends because a way was found to survive armageddon. That way is the bride who ever she be accused like Jesus is slaughtered but her blood grants the 40 days to appear and say flee, survive, the world dies in 40 days. Cursed are those who will say we have 7 more years, or a half week more.

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