For the born-in/raised in, you ever get resentful upon seeing kids involved with organized sports?

by Theocratic Sedition 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    This past Saturday, I was watching the Georgetown/Syracuse game, and a Nike commercial was played during one of the breaks. I couldn't locate the exact commercial, but below is a variation of it that has scenes from the same one that aired on Saturday. Man did I feel some heavy resentment towards the WT during and especially after the commercial aired. Seeing kids in baseball and basketball uniforms, soccer players jumping up and down stretching on the field. It's funny how you hear some JWs say crap like, "you didn't miss out on anything" or "they're having their reward now but ours is coming soon." Oh I wish I could go back in time and join the wrestling team or the football team.

  • Tater-T

    yes! A Guy and his very young son came to my door.. and asked if I wanted his son to read from the Bible to me , the boy looked down, as if he didn't want to.. I said NO.. It was the begining of my wake up.. It reminded me of me and my youth at was stolen by the Borg..

    I was angry about it the rest of the day..

    edit: oops misread (involved in org) but still it works

  • sosoconfused

    Yes extremely upset... I grew up in a very urban and very poor neighborhood.

    Both me and my brother were extremely good at sports. Me basketball and him basketball and football and baseball and wieghtlifting.

    We were told that pursuing such things would pull us from Jehovah and it would cause us to die at armageddon. My brother actually in 8th grade was asked to go to St. Anthony Prep which was a huge deal. Of course, the answer was no way. He is now flat broke and living on the edge.

    I always think that he could have done something... atleast a college scholarship. So when I see kids involved in sports activities I get nostalgic... then very very angry

  • Ucantnome

    Hated sports.

  • WingCommander

    Yes! I always wanted to be in Boy Scouts, to play basketball and was also asked by the High School wrestling and track coach to try out for track and field and wrestling. I loved weight lifting, but it was "frowned upon." I was never allowed to do ANYTHING, so after about the age of 8 or 9, I just gave up and never asked my parents for permission to do anything because it always "No." Talk about a broken spirit!

    Know what we missed out on the most when it came to sports, that the JW's truly know NOTHING about? Commaraderie, sportsmanship, making friends, losing. The bonds and friendships I saw bud and form all throughout school actually made me jealous. I was also jealous/envious of the fact that my classmates were out Saturday morning/afternoon practicing in the sun, having fun, living life, wearing shorts.....meanwhile, I was stuck looking like a Jr. Wall Street bible salesman sitting in assemblies or going door-to-door. Not fair! It was all such boring bullshit, a complete waste of time on crap that isn't even "current light" anymore. What a waste of a youth, youth that we'll NEVER get back!!!

    However, my now 8-yr old son has been playing basketball for 3 years, and is the top-scoring player this year! He has never been subjected to the mind-f**k known as the WTBTS, so take that you phoney Governing Body OverLords! I have broken the cycle, and not only will never have another moment of my time, but you haven't gotten one red cent from me in 20+ years, cause I stopped giving you $$$ when I was 10 and had my first "Awake-ning!

    - Wing Commander

  • Magwitch

    A little off the subject Theocratic Sedition, but I am so going for Georgetown to go all the way this year (My Buffs just cannot get the job done :) That was an awesome game. Heading to Vegas in one week for March Madness - can't wait!!!!

    And yes, there are a lot of things in my youth I would have loved to have going to a Friday night high school football game would have been unbelievably awesome. However, I probably would have gotten drunk, taken drugs and then slept with the whole football team and ultimately brought shame on Jehovah's clean organization. So happy I had to stay home and study my red Youth book instead.

  • Nice_Dream

    Lol Magwitch!

    I loved ballet, but had to stop going because the classes were always on a Tues/Thurs evening.

    It's a shame the WT demonizes sports. It seems like the kids at school who played on sports teams were driven, had confidence, were popular, and went on to University. They learned what it takes to win, how to lose, and how to strive for goals. No wonder the WT discourages sports!

  • NVR2L8

    I love hockey but wasn't allowed to play in organized leagues because they had links to the parrish and the games and practices could interfere with meetings and service. One of the local teams I could have played on was where NY Islander's Mike Bossy started. After I turned 18 I played in industrial leagues and quickly realized that I was quite good despite being the shortest player on the team! 40 years later, I still play twice a week and still ask myself where my determination could have taken me...Today I'm not only the shortest player, but also the oldest on the team!

  • DesirousOfChange

    Know what we missed out on the most when it came to sports, that the JW's truly know NOTHING about? Commaraderie, sportsmanship, making friends, losing. The bonds and friendships I saw bud and form all throughout school actually made me jealous.

    Yes, that commaderie and leadership and working as a team and the bonding that is built among team members -- that's what is lost on all JW kids. Yes, sports can introduce some "bad influence", but no more so than does associating with the "wrong" JW kids.


  • sd-7

    No. I was never the athletic type. My brother, though--he and my mom really butted heads on this issue. He ended up playing intramural basketball and coaching it, though, which I guess he either did without her knowledge or as a compromise of some kind (you know, so he wouldn't be spending time after school with those heroin-snorting, gun-toting hoodlums on the team).

    But why would you want to do that? Remember that Young People Ask drama? You'll only injure yourself in an impromptu race with a worldly kid, and then get offered some pain-killers by a corrupt high school coach! Why do that, when you can keep a JW's Holocaust bowl and spoon as a memoir of what you really need in life? Your priorities are out of whack, man. You need to find 'the real life'!


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