JC was formed, without even letting me know!?

by magotan 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LostGeneration

    Going out like that is the right thing to do.

    Acting like a crazed apostate just lets them think that you are a tool of Satan. That won't get them to think.

    Acting rational, yet refusing to meet with them lets them know that they aren't in control of you anymore. They really, really hate that. And in the end it might make them actually think about the silly cult they are in at some point.

    Don't DA. Don't meet with them. Let them do their dirty work on their own. You never know, they might just let it go.

  • Quendi

    I’ve shared this George Eliot quote before and will do so again, magotan: “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” You are now starting your real life and can be what you should be. You have my unfading and unqualified support and rest assured you have God’s love as well.


  • ABibleStudent

    Hi magotan, You did great!! You set an example for how the elders could leave the WTBTS if they had your courage and beliefs. They may not realize it yet, but how you behaved may help them awaken.

    In the mean time go out meet new unconditional, non-JW friends and have fun. If your family and JW friends start shunning you, start sending them emails/postcards with lots of pictures of you having lots of fun. You might be an example to them of how to leave the WTBTS on your terms and not following the WTBTS's rules.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Hortensia

    I know the wtbts is often called Victorian and 19th-century, but this JC crap reminds more more of McCarthyism. Wikipedia's definition of McCarthyism:

    McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence. It also means "the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism.

    That was during the Red Scare years in the 1950s. You use a bogeyman like "commies" or "apostates" to label people as traitors and then attack them with judicial hearings.

  • gma-tired2

    Remember that now days they have to have a reason to associate and they just used you to have a little social gathering. Why else wouldn't you have not been invited. Take care it hard to let go at first but it does get easier. Remember my son pioneered up until his JC meeting and now he is free to persue a life. He has been in a relationship with his partner for near 17 years. Love is just down the road just keep your eyes on the Prize outside of this controling Organizaton. GMA-TIRED2

  • smiddy

    "I do not wish to be associated as being one of Jehovah's Witnesses"

    I`m sorry to say, but if you said that in front of two or three JW`s your goose is cooked ,they will argue you dis- associated yourself from jehovahs organization ,unless you recant.

    But hey, its not the end of the world, their are millions, and yes, I mean millions, who have left JW`s since its inception in the late 1880`s who are leading healthy productive lives outside of this cult . .Apart from those of course who never saw armageddon or the new system of things that they had hoped for, and have since passed away ..Doesnt that tell you a lot ?


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I am sorry to tell you but these men will forget you like you have never been born.

    yeah they are nice and soooo full of love for any and all that obey the governing body.

    you are now bird food to them, oh they may go 'oh so sad, we tried' to ease their own consciences and please others for about a week, but like i said...

    you haven't been born.


  • LouBelle

    You do what you must to survive leaving the faith, to be true to yourself and to be able to live the life in freedom we all deserve.

    It is an emotional time - remember they will put that "tone of love" into their words because they want you to come back, but that tone can change very quickly to judgemental.

    Seek comfort from good friends, talk on here - this place is a pillar of strength.

    I am glad you went out your way. You will grown from this, you will embrace the truth of who you are.

  • Xanthippe

    I don't want to be too rude; these men have watched me grow up.

    I would like to think that they hold high esteem for me.

    They don't hold you in high esteem, Magotan. They think you are turning your back on Jehovah. If it helps think of them as mentally ill and you are leaving the asylum. You can't explain that you are well now and you need to leave and get on with your life. You can't tell them they are delusional and everything they believe is rubbish can you?

    You just have to leave them to it and hope they use all the resources available to them on the internet to get well like you have. Sorry it is so painful but you can't help them and you need to leave. You are not hurting them, the WTS is hurting them. Look after yourself now because this is traumatic and you need to take care of you.

  • jambon1


    I faded very quickly. I walked out the KH one day & knew that I wasn't going back. I just told my wife I was leaving the 'truth'. I was a m/s at the time.

    Yes, the elders tried to contact me. One even showed up at the door even after being asked not to do so by my wife.

    I ignored any contact only telling them that I was in no position to discuss matters. I knew we'd just go round in circles and I'd have to be brutally honest about the religion that they hold dear, which I wasn't prepared to do.

    It's a bit different with you being gay. They may feel that they need to press you on a decision.

    Just be as evasive as possible while being as respectful as possible.

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