Channel 4 - Islam: The Untold Story (banned in the U.K.!)

by mP 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    It is - and less concerned about keeping sponsors happy.

    The BBC is IMO the best broadcasting company in the world.

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    I guess the UK media is more brave than the American media.

    Including the WTS. If the WTS had said about Islam what they have said about the Catholic Church, they would have been rubble long ago.


  • Bangalore

    True George. While the WT has criticized Christendom quite a lot, they are almost silent regarding Islam. Just a handful of articles over the years about Islam.


  • besty
    If the WTS had said about Islam what they have said about the Catholic Church, they would have been rubble long ago.

    Islam isn't an opportunity for the WTS

    The WTS converts existing Christians to their brand.

    Islamists don't easily convert, being in a high control group already.

    Therefore the WTS don't expend marketing efforts on Islam.

  • Phizzy

    Channel 4 screened it once, but pulled the repeat because of a hostage situation at the time, involving Muslim rebels.

    I had already seen this film the first time, Tom Holland's book which expounds his ideas better than the film, called "In the shadow of the sword", if I remember correctly, points out that though the Quran is viewed as inspired like Biblical fundies view the N.T, the origin of the Quran is even more shrouded in mystery and doubts.

    As with the N.T it was not written down till way after the events, and its supposeed "dictation" to Muhammad, we are talking centuries almost rather than decades, and we have no very early copies.

    It has no provenance. Blow me down, couldn't Allah do a better job wth his holy words ?

    To base ones life, and worse, violence, murder, mutilation of females, subservience of females etc etc on a book of such doubtful provenance makes no sense.

    But then, religion in general makes no sense.

  • cedars


    The British media criticises religion in a way American journalists can only dream about.

    Religion, yes. Cults, no!


  • mP

    i just finished watching it, i will repeating some of the interesting facts presented by Tom. It would appear that Muslims believe a tradition which is not in their holy book just like xians and the Bible. They go believe things like praying 5 times a day which are not in the book. Mecca is even mentioned in the book, which seems just as absurd as Jesus not being mentioned in the OT and yet being a focus in the NT. The WTS has written encylcopedia like text books on topics that cover but a handful of words in the text. Naturally its absurd to think that one can extract so much information from such short text.

    The authors made up the book, people changed it throughout time, others read those books and they too write books and make stuff up. It would seem the only constant in religion is people lie all the time and make stuff up and other fools believe it all.

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