Channel 4 - Islam: The Untold Story (banned in the U.K.!)

by mP 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • mP

    n this ground-breaking film, historian Tom Holland explores how a new religion - Islam - emerged from the seedbed of the ancient world, and asks what we really know for certain about its rise. The result is an extraordinary detective story. Traditionally, Muslims and non-Muslims alike have believed that Islam was born in the full light of history. But a large number of historians now doubt that presumption, and question much of what Muslim tradition has to tell us about the birth of Islam.

  • mP

    With these influences we can see Islam changing into something that is recognizable today.

    Example: In the Qu'ran the penalty for adultery is whipping. But some Muslims today practice stoning for adultery. Stoning comes from the Jewish rabbinical tradition, not the Qu'ran.

    Example: The Qu'ran enjoins praying three times a day. But Muslims pray five times a day. Zoroastrians prayed five times a day. Another influence?

    So the Muslim religion is originating as creative multi-culturalism into something quite new. But such an origin will not do for a "true religion", so all of these changes are attributed to the mouth of the Prophet, the sayings, the sunnah, the hadiths.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Why is this banned in the UK? Why is Islam a religion that is not willing to stand up to it's history and allow it's writings to be debated in the square of public opinion?

    When a individual decides to study Islam from every angle, it's easy to see the various influences the pagans Mohammed claimed to despise influenced his system of beliefs. Muslims hate the writings of Craig Winn who has been a scholar of Islam for a long time. His books are not going to break down any walls or help you win the favor of any Muslim, I would try a more tactful approach than blasting them as "Moon and Fertility Cult" worshipers who kept much of the Zoroastrians influences and culture(still found in the Afghan and Pakistan Mountain Tribes) they decimated along with their poets and scholars. The Jews made a bad mistake by giving him refuge, they should have backed up the members of Medina and Mecca. The great Christian Empire of Ethiopia during that period could have destroyed the religion but they felt no threat from the fast growing force that would engulf them eventually.

  • Amelia Ashton
  • mP


    The great Christian Empire of Ethiopia during that period could have destroyed the religion but they felt no threat from the fast growing force that would engulf them eventually.


    Rome and Greece were great, why was the Ethiopian empire great ? Why do you call them xian when they have dozens of extra books in their Bible ? Do you know of the content of any of these books ?

    To be great you must have a legacy, Ethiopia is a minnow compared to Rome, Greece and the few other greats who have shaped our lives. You shouldnt throw that word around with measuring the worth of the recipient otherwise it losers value. Newton was a great scientist, you and me prolly arent, i know im not.

  • cofty

    Why would anybody imagine it would be banned in the UK?

    I watched it on C4 months ago and it's still available on 4OD.

    The British media criticises religion in a way American journalists can only dream about.

  • besty

    Yep - Channel 4 is banned in the UK - fact.

  • Bangalore

    Islam generally gets a free pass in the media.


  • cofty
    Islam generally gets a free pass in the media.

    Not in the UK it doesn't.

  • Bangalore

    I guess the UK media is more brave than the American media.


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