1926 book "The Harp of God" scanned

by apostate man 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • dungbeetle

    All of you do realize that these Rutherford books are already available on cd-rom?

    I have 'the harp of god' 1921 scanned as text, with study questions and scripture index; children the same, and am working on 'The truth shall make you free.' These are ongoing projects that have been going on for years by various volunteers in the cyber community.

    There is a ten-year gap or so of books not available on cd; starting from 'truth make free' up to 'qualified to be ministers'. Volunteers are needed badly for these, for the Watchtower is not making these books available to the public for a reason!!!

    In addition to this, although the Watchtower has many yearbooks available on their cd, the statistics are not on the cd. It says 'see yearbook' and someday I hope someone volunteers to go put those up. That's a big chore..

    One other thing desparately needed; the 'shining as illuminators' book. If someone could scan that to text and/or jpegs, that would be great. I don't have one, nor will I EVER have one. It doesn't turn up on ebay very often, either.

    glad people are out there doing this. AAHHH the Watchtower and that infamous 'paper trail'....

  • TD

    Dungbeetle is correct.

    All of Rutherford's books are available on CD in PDF format complete with covers and illustrations. The CD is produced by Research Applications International and can be purchased either from Witnesses Inc. or Free Minds I think.

  • RR

    Or you could order directly from RAI

    . http://www.researchapplications.org

    Much cheaper than Witness, Inc. but I would support Randy better!

  • Yadirf


    Funny, my 1928 edition of the Harp of God has deleted the "Conclusive Proof that Millions Now Living Will Never Die" and replaced it with, "The Harmony of the Ten Primary Bible Teachings."
    But was it not with regards to what Rutherford believed and published regarding 1925 that he so humbly admitted to having made an "ass" of himself? If that be the case, then is it any surprise that the words on the face of the book be altered to reflect the change in belief?

    I think you people are inventing things, whatever you can concoct that will serve your purpose of undermining others faith and confidence in the leadership of the WTS.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • DakotaRed
    But was it not with regards to what Rutherford believed and published regarding 1925 that he so humbly admitted to having made an "ass" of himself? If that be the case, then is it any surprise that the words on the face of the book be altered to reflect the change in belief?

    Are you admitting that he came to realize that "millions living then would die?" Is this early "changing light?" Given that so many things have been changed and so often, what is there today that you can place so much trust in? What doctrines and teachings of today are subjet to ever more "changing light?" The blood issue? The annointed remnant? maybe even that JWs are the new Spiritual Israel?

    I think you people are inventing things, whatever you can concoct that will serve your purpose of undermining others faith and confidence in the leadership of the WTS.
    Sorry, but the difference between the 1926 and the 1928 reissues of the Harp of God are hardly concocted or invented by us. Maybe they would have been better of just losing the original and prinitng a whole new book.

    As for undermining others faith and shaking confidence in the Watchtower leaders, isn't it Jehovah that you are supposed to be worshipping and not the Governing Body?

    Sorry, but the Bible says their isonly one mediator between man and God, and that is Jesus, not 12 men in Brooklyn who can't seem to make up their minds as to what is true and what isn't.

    Incidentally, I would love to see the article that Rutherford admitted he "had made an ass out of himself." If you have it, please scan it and post it.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • Yadirf
    Sorry, but the difference between the 1926 and the 1928 reissues of the Harp of God are hardly concocted or invented by us.

    Of course not, but then that's not what I said now was it. But you are doing everything you can distort the real picture. Your motive is clear to all. All anyone has to do is read back over the comments here to see that.

    Maybe they would have been better of just losing the original and prinitng a whole new book.
    Not necessary at all. All knew of the change in viewpoint, and the reason therefore for the words on the face of the latter edition of the book referenced here.

    As for undermining others faith and shaking confidence in the Watchtower leaders, isn't it Jehovah that you are supposed to be worshipping and not the Governing Body?
    You're not going to start in again on that rubbish, are you?

    Sorry, but the Bible says their isonly one mediator between man and God, and that is Jesus, not 12 men in Brooklyn who can't seem to make up their minds as to what is true and what isn't.
    More rubbish.

    Incidentally, I would love to see the article that Rutherford admitted he "had made an ass out of himself." If you have it, please scan it and post it.
    Like I inferred, I'm only going from memory that the 1925 date was what Rutherford made such a comment over. I think that is correct. I'm sure there are others here on this mostly-apostate forum who maintain better records than I do regarding the slips and mistakes of the leaders of the WTS.


  • apostate man
    apostate man
    More rubbish.

    Is that all the better you can answer something? You're really convincing! I never even thought of that. Wow! What an explaination.

    regarding the slips and mistakes of the leaders of the WTS.
    These slips and mistakes by the WTS you bring up are happening all the time. Doesn't that concern you? It is your eternal life we're talking about. OH, your beyond that "apostate" stuff. Nothing here applies to you because you have the TRUTH. So everyone here is wrong and you are right because WTS says so. Get a life.

    Break the chains that bind you,
    unless, of course, you're into that sort of thing.
  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    They concoct, we concoct.
    They exagerate, we exagerate.
    They do all this in the pursuit of their higher purpose, to save lives from the flames of damnation.
    We do it to save lives from misery and mental slavery.
    I wouldnt wish anyone to feel what I felt for 20 years.
    No man fights a fight without feeling morally justified.

    "I made an ass of myself"
    How many times have I heard that quote, verbatim, read it, verbatim.
    It has become a "slogan" , a 'thought stop' cliche that explains 1925 away .
    A question. If Rutherford was still alive... would that quote be out there in the public arena???

    Cults always devour their dead leaders....

  • DakotaRed

    Sorry, Yadirf, but your smokescreen is much too thin. In the 1959 book, Jehovah's Witnesses in The Devine Purpose, the harp of God is mentioned as "an extremely popular book." Page 99 is almost exclusively devoted to "the Harp of God," 1921 edition.

    There is absolutely no mention of subsequent reissues nor that new light came to surface requiring changes being made to the book.

    There is only brief mention of it in the Kingdom Proclaimers book and still, nothing about it needing to be changed so rapidly.

    What you fail to see is that a proclamation of " Conclusive proof that millions now living will never die" is not exactly a light statement. How is it possible to publish the book for 5 years as "CONCLUSIVE PROOF" yet back up in 1928 and it is now only "the Harmony of the Ten Primary Bible Teachings?" Obviously, yesterdays light was not CONCLUSIVE PROOF.

    Mull it around a bit. Maybe it will sink in.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • TD

    A little clarification:

    Although the slogan probably did become embarassing, IBSA/JW's did not dicard the belief that "Millions now living will never die" with the 1925 failure. There has been no point in their history when they did not think that the end was right around the corner, and if you stop and think about it, Witnesses still believe essentially the same thing today with one important difference.

    It's important to remember that at the time their viewpoint on who would live and who would die at armageddon had not yet become exclusivistic and would not become so until the doctrine of the "great crowd" reached the form by most of us know it today some years later in 1935. At the time, it was taught that millions of "good" people not necessarily associated with the IBSA would survive. Witnesses still believe that "millions now living will never die" with the caveat that these "millions" will be almost exclusively Witnesses.

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