Re: Will you attend the Memorial this year? Why? Why not?

by check 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • check

    Hi everyone,

    You all had some interesting thoughts on that JW Memorial thread. Some of you mentioned that you are going so that you can set some sort of example. I gather that some of you believe that by going and eating, you are somehow showing them they can (or should) do it too.

    That really confuses me. When you go, do you tell them who you are and why you came? If not, I dont understand how someone who isnt a JW and shows up once a year at this memorial thing, eats, then leaves and expects the JWs to just know (or have already figured out) that he/she came to set some example. I mean, if you were a JW and you saw someone once a year eating the bread and drinking the wine, would you automatically conclude that they must be setting an example?

    Also, if it is so important that these JW guys know this, why do you only come once a year? They meet multiple times a week throughout the year. Is there a reason you dont confront them throughout the year? I mean, if this love you say you have for them "hasnt failed," why is it only around memorial time that it this love isnt failing? Where was this love all those non-memorial times they have been meeting together? Would not your love want you to set an example or speak or do something during those times? A friend once told me "repetition is the mother of retention." If what you have to say is so vital, shouldnt you be telling and re-telling and reminding them throughout the years up to and including memorial time?

    I personally dont care to go. But if someone wants to go to set some sort of example, I just dont see how he/she can expect it to work or be effective if its done so rarely. If someone is doing something wrong, telling them (or doing something) one night a year isnt going to cut it.

  • notjustyet

    Not attending, 2nd one to miss,

    I will not be going as It is paramount to show our children to stand up for what is true as knowing TTATT and attending, at least in our circumstance, would be showing the kids that we are still under their directions and that we are not sure of our decision to leave. I cannot give my children the thought that we somehow think that the WTBTS has 1 iota of truth in it.


  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    Last year was our last and I had a panic attack, I couldn't get out of there fast enough. After that I went to one more Sunday meeting and Friday of the DC and that was it for hubby and me! I will never go back and if we choose to celebrate the memorial we will do it from the comforts of our home.

  • earthfire

    I haven't been to one in 15 years, just the thought of going to the hall makes me sick to my stomach. So I will not be going to this one either.

  • d

    I might with some family for support. But no way in hell am I going to put up their nonsense.

  • fakesmile

    i will not. the reason is because i have better things to do. things such as filing my nails on a chalkboard or supervising paint drying.

  • fakesmile

    and i shall witness gods mighty hand drying that paint.

  • Satanus

    I'm done w going to meetings. The memorial of a human sacrifice is barabaric by modern standards. Yet, many people are strangely drawn to it. Tv fake violence is enough, for me.


  • manthedan

    I've been debating whether or not I should attend, not because I believe any of it but more of if i should partake, kind of a kiss my ass and to your ceremony.

  • GLTirebiter

    No, I won't go (and even when married to a JW, I never did). I don't want to send any sign that I am an "interested one", nor do I want to give offense. While I don't believe what they do, there is no need to offend them on their High Holy Day. The real problem is in Brooklyn, not at the local Kingdom Hall.

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