Who pioneered with the promise of having 'Jehovah provide' and ended up dirt poor anyway?

by Julia Orwell 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I ask this because the WT always bangs on about if you trust in Jehovah and make that leap into pioneering, you will always be provided for. At the time I joined the cult, a friend was continuous aux. pioneering. Years later he told me he never had enough to eat that year and can only remember being hungry because he couldn't afford food because time he could have spent working was spent in witnessing. An ancient sister in my cong said when she pioneered in the bad-ol days of bikes and sleeping in haystacks, she couldn't afford the bus ticket to the meetings. Seems to contradict what we hear at assemblies when all the pioneers get on stage and give their rehearsed and vetted testimonies.

    Anyone else experience severe deprevation because of pioneering instead of the blessing you were promised? I don't mean missing pizza once a week, but really going hungry or unable to pay bills.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I did!

    When I was out of work it was suggested I use the time for pioneering and at the the end of the month Jehovah would reward me with a job. As a single Mum with 2 kids I really did believe He would, but he didn't.

    The following month I spent every single day job hunting and that is how I eventually got one!

  • zeb

    The same line of logic is applied with 'emergency survival'.

    "Dont put away food and supplies. Jehovah will provide."

    They have changed their tune on that one too..

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    To be honest, they were the best times I had as a JW. I was no longer just floating on the edge but actually doing something. It was a monumental waste of my life granted, but at the time it was alright.

    We were dirt poor. The wife and I sold our house and quit our jobs. WE had not owned the house long but we did make about 10 grand on it so we bought a cheap economical 4 cyl car ( I was alsways into large V8s), bought a little hi-fi and a microwave oven. We went and got part time jobs doing all sorts of disgusting jobs in abbotiors (meat works) and pioneered for 3 or 4 years. We needed little money, we had no debts, no store cards, no mortgage etc.

    When we sold the house we were promised a liitle home outside town that just had to be fixed up...in the end it just never happened and the owner, full of remorse said 'look, all i can offer you is the flat out the back of my shop'. It was a joinery. We said 'we'll take it' and he said 'no, you don't want that place, we replied 'YES WE DO'.

    It was the most disgusting shit hole i had ever seen. It was full of shit. Literally. previous tenants had done a runner, left things like a bath full of turds and crap, the draws in the kithen cupboards were full of dirt from growing dope.

    We did a deal that we would fix it up in leu of rent. There was a congregation busy bee on the place, new carpet, painted, bathroom fixed etc. It was humble and cheap. One day we got a knock on the door as we were about to go witnessing. 3 men in suits showed us a card, told us they had right of entry and did so. They were from the rental tribunal. The local happy clapper pentecostals next door put in a complaint and the landlord was called in. Seemed it was illegal to do work for rent and both he and us were threatened with fines. It was only that both parties were very pleased with the arrangement that they let us off. They deemed that the property was only worth $5 a week until THEY came back, reinspected and issued approval for a rent rise. We had been paying $20. It took them 3 months to come back, so we got 3 months of peppercorn rent. Yes indeed we did figure it was Jehovah blessing us.

    We never did go hungry, we were looked after. Our small conregation was proud to have pioneers and looked after us. Honestly I can't fault those times.

    what happened after we came off the list and I had to get a real job and provide for a family etc...well that was when the wheels really fell off. THEN i went hungry, at times, trying to support myself and pay my child supprt to the now ex wife, i could only afford to eat 5 days out of seven.


  • clarity

    I always thought that I would be looked after by god ...that

    was what I was taught by the borg .... if I was in his service!

    The pressure to pioneer was relentless.


    I went against my good judgement, & I fell for the propaganda.

    I signed up & a first month of rushing and short-changing my family

    ....dragged by.


    I was thinking ...wow I must really be doing the rite thing 'cause it

    was such a sacrifice to do this! I know god will bless me!


    Funny tho ...... I was almost killed when a speeding, out of control

    car smashed rite into me.!


    Guess he wanted me to place more magazines or something.

    Or he was busy that day & just couldn't stop that car!!!!!

    clarity- of the never again class!

  • grumblecakes

    me. too.

    i always thought " something must be wrong, i imustve done something wrong"

    but then 1. s**t happens and...

    2. if there is a god,he doesnt care wheather you "pioneer" or not, just that you were good to people.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I discovered double standards were rife too.

    When I was working I always offered to take pioneers to save their fuel. When I was not working and pioneering they reasoned they may as well come with me and save their petrol because I was going out anyway! I had no job and 2 kids to feed!

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    There's a saying I've known since I was a kid; "God helps those who help themselves."

    It always churns my stomach when I hear certain ones claim that a fortuitous outcome of a difficult situation was thanks to Jehovah's direct intervention.

    Like our Circuit Overseer's experience, that when his bride-to-be was thinking of giving up pioneering to earn a bit more money, (when they were both pioneers) he suddenly got TWO 'phone calls offering him very good window-cleaning contracts. So she didn't have to give up pioneering!

    When he put this happenstance down to Divine intervention, I said to my wife, "I wonder how inferior all the brothers and sisters feel who are still unemployed/hungry/evicted etc.

    Christians are obligated to do the best they can to support their families - by higher education or any other decent & legal means.

    (1 Timothy 5:8) "Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith."

  • cedars

    Me, definitely.


  • franticfran

    We sold our house too and moved to a freezing cold run down rented cottage way out in the country and pioneered after a talk at an assembley. We lived on the interest from the money we made until the interest rates dropped through the floor,then we lived on the capitol till it was almost gone. Looking back I think we were foolish and caught up in the emotion of the whole thing because there were plenty of wealthy elders in our congregation and they never felt the need to "sacrifice" there homes and move their young families. Dont blame anyone but ourselves,our decision,our choice. Funnily enough our fortunes changed and we inherited some money and once again bought a lovely house again,but this time we were hanging on to it,we both carried on pioneering way into out sixties but we never felt the urge to impoverish ourselves again. Oh if we only we could turn back time eh?

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