Quote Re: Elders Whose Kids Go To College Might Lose Privileges

by Justitia Themis 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • respectful_observer
    Thereafter, students may choose to attend university or college for four or more years

    So what happens if you take full course loads over the summer and Christmas breaks letting you finish your Bachelors degree in 3 years or less? Is that allowed?

    Or what would happen if you took 4 semesters (2 years) of classes, then took a break for a year, then returned for 4 more semesters?

    Those pesky extra 4 semesters...they get you every time!

  • BluesBrother

    Much depends on the circumstances and how he is viewed.

    So.. if he is Bro Impressive with a strong personality and even friends at the Bethel and gives Assembly assignments (you know the type) then he will no doubt get away with it , being able to explain it away in his usual manner.

    If he is Bro Humble with none of these advantages, just wants the best for his kid, he is liable to be deleted - as an example.

    I know how these things work, having seen too many back-stabbings on the BOE's in my time.

  • frankiespeakin
    On the other hand, if an elder or a ministerial servant is promoting higher education to others for the material advantages or the status it may bring, he is calling into question his qualifications to serve the congregation because of the effect on his and his fellow appointed brothers’ freeness of speech. (1 Tim. 3:13; Titus 1:9)

    The free of speach thing really shows the Governing Body to be mindless fool with authority.

  • Mum

    It is an honor to be dishonored by these ignorant hypocrites.


    The Jeremiah book has been bashing higher education and worldy friendships the passed several weeks so despite what that letter says I am sure that the appointed person will be at the least reviewed and most likely deleted.

    They fcuked up back in the 90's with "allowing" higher education and now they are doing damage control. I really think that the lessened amount of minsterial servants recently is a result of that generaton that went to college and got a real life.

  • Lynnie

    I remember in the late '70's even vocational school was verboten. I remember I had left the JW's and realized I needed more education so I quit my job and went back to the community college for my 2 year degree. I remember my parents and cousin saying "why would you quit your good job? and "dont expect any support from us" blah blah blah. Thank goodnes for student loans and grants!

    Then when my cousin Kevin's kids became of age in the '90s oh somehow it was okay for them to go to vocational school. He's an elder but of course somewhat wealthy and thought of highly so of course there were no consequences for him or his daughters.

  • Atlantis

    Justitia Themis:

    Do you know if this BOE letter is posted anywhere?

    2012 March 6, BOE . Click the link by the blue arrow. http://www.sendspace.com/file/pz3v3z . . Petra

  • hoser

    The letter is written with a very condescending tone. "If he is only a regular pioneer"

    It also talks about families of elders and servants putting on a good show for the rest of the congregation.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Thank you Atlantis!

  • frankiespeakin
    Appointed men must be exemplary in heeding the warnings given by the faithful slave and its Governing Body when it comes to education. (Matt. 24:45-47)..... On the other hand, if an elder or a ministerial servant is promoting higher education to others for the material advantages or the status it may bring, he is calling into question his qualifications to serve the congregation because of the effect on his and his fellow appointed brothers’ freeness of speech. (1 Tim. 3:13; Titus 1:9)

    So this is the way the Governing Body's Narcissistic Personality Disorder, with accompanying Grandious delusions interpets scripture.

    An elders loose their freeness of speech by going against the edicts of the Governing Body and not removing an elder who violate a Governing Body edict. Now if that doesn't spell NP Disorder I don't know what does.


    Grandiose delusions (GD) or delusions of grandeur is principally a subtype of delusional disorder that occurs in patients suffering from a wide range of mental illnesses, including two-thirds of patients in manic state of bipolar disorder , half of those with schizophrenia and a substantial portion of those with substance abuse disorders. [1] [2] GDs are characterized by fantastical beliefs that one is famous, omnipotent , wealthy, or otherwise very powerful. The delusions are generally fantastic and typically have a supernatural , science-fictional , or religious theme.


    Patients suffering from schizophrenia , grandiose and religious delusions are found to be the least susceptible to cognitive behavioral interventions. [21] Cognitive behavioral intervention is a form of psychological therapy, initially used for depression , [31] but currently used for a variety of different mental disorders, in hope of providing relief from distress and disability. [32] During therapy, grandiose delusions were linked to patients' underlying beliefs by using inference chaining. [31] [33] Some examples of interventions performed to improve the patient's state were focus on specific themes, clarification of neologisms , and thought linkage. [33] During thought linkage, the patient is asked repeatedly by the therapist to explain his/her jumps in thought from one subject, to a completely different one. [33]

    Patients suffering from mental disorders that experience grandiose delusions have been found to have a lower risk of having suicidal thoughts and attempts. [34]

    [ edit ] See also

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