Why I think (in a nutshell) why this org is approaching collapse

by cptkirk 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    it won't collapse because people demand a certain degree of crazy from their religion of choice. There are far more harmful cults out there and yet they exist.

    This religion will drift further from the mainstream into a much smaller but hardcore group

  • Tater-T

    if the corporatin fails.... new groups will be born from it.. I think

  • Quendi

    When the USSR collapsed in 1991, its fifteen constituent republics all became independent and went their separate ways for the most part. The largest one, Russia, remains a player on the world stage while all the others are getting by as best they can. I can see something similar happening to the WTS with one group assuming control over most of its assets and the others scrambling for the crumbs.

    But I do believe that this cult is heading for a fall. This is one of the last surviving millennial movements from the nineteenth century. That very millennialism may prove its ultimate undoing. People are burning out. Like the dry bones in Ezekiel’s vision, more are saying, if only to themselves, ‘Our bones have become dry; our hopes have perished; we have been severed off to ourselves.’

    All the developments they were taught to look for have failed to come to pass. There is no cry of ‘Peace and Security!’ There aren’t hundreds of thousands streaming into the organization. World governments aren’t on the brink of collapse. The UN is making no move to curtail, let alone destroy, “the world empire of false religion.” Even attendance at the yearly Memorial is dropping off. And despite all the warnings to the contrary, the Internet is influencing more Witnesses to take a closer look at their religion and questioning its validity.

    Twenty-five years ago, both the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union stood secure. Any talk of a swift and irremediable collapse would have been viewed as madness. Both are now gone when forces beyond the control of their guardians brought them down swiftly and irreparably. It wouldn’t surprise me to see the same thing happen to the WTS.


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