A Visit From a Jehovah's Witness Elder

by RayPublisher 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • problemaddict

    Hawaiian Island chain vs. Insight Book geology

    Can you elaborate as to what this is? Just curious.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Ray, I like you brother, but I have to pick on a few points:

    "....since I feel God could easily have flooded Noah's local area and Noah then did his best to preserve the animals around him, all as an illustration of how God can save people."

    Purely speculative. The Book itself says it was global. Did god lie?

    But you say I am missing the bigger picture, ie, this means that you think anyone that believes in God is a fool?

    Strawman. Bloody Hotdogs never says that, you do. ^^^

    Or perhaps you feel someone that thinks there is a higher power than us in the universe is "mentally diseased"?

    Strawman. Bloody Hotdogs never says that, you do. ^^^

    And how many MILLIONS of intelligent men and women firmly know in their hearts there must be a God? Are they all crazy and ignorant also.

    Argumentum ad Populum. ^^^

    Ghandi said that if people would just listen to the Sermon on the Mount and try and follow it war would be a thing of the past and paradise on earth could be achieved. Not bad for such a silly book huh?

    Appeal to Authority. ^^^

    I do not doubt for a moment that you are a smart and logical person, yet we are all sometimes guilty of breaking (or ignoring) the very logic we use to grow in our quest for truth.

    All the best.

  • RayPublisher

    Me: The earth is round.

    Yan Bibiyan:Speculative; no sources of proof are cited. Also innaccurate, as the earth is actually not perfectly spherical and deviates by .0023%.


    Me:I wasn't making a scientific observation...was just saying that everyone knows the earth is round.

    Yan Bibiyan:"Everyone" knows no such thing. Some people are brain damaged, mentally challenged, or unschooled and hence do not "know" that the earth is round due to never learning it or not have the mental capacity to understand the concept.


    Me: Okay you win dude...

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