Number of 'Anointed' down to about 4000

by nicolaou 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    So I was at the 'Memorial' last night (that's a whole other story) and I got into a converstaion with an elder afterwards. I asked him why no figure had been printed in Our Kingdom Ministry for the number of UK partakers last year. (In 2000, the figure of 300 was given, down from 319 in 1999)

    Well he hadn't realised that no figures had been given but he told me that the 'Society' think that "there are only about 4000 genuine members of the little flock left", his words.

    The explanation the CO had given him is that many new 'brothers & sisters' from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe are partaking when they shouldn't be.

    Makes me wonder though......why are the WT in such a rush to get this figure down?


  • NeonMadman
    Makes me wonder though......why are the WT in such a rush to get this figure down?

    Because it makes it look like the end is closer.

    When I became a JW in 1969, there were a little over 10,000 anointed. I was told that number would steadily go down over the next several years as the older anointed ones died off, and that Armageddon would be here before they all died. Now, 33 years later, there are still over 8,000. At this rate, Armageddon won't be here until about the year 2134.

    Hey, have we stumbled onto some "new light" here?


    "At midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew go out and round up everyone who knows more than they do"
    --Bob Dylan
  • Pubsinger


    I was told exactly that over 3yrs ago before I left. I dont know where you are in the UK, I'm in Halifax,but it was David Merry, a former CO who said it. He said that the society believed only 50% of partakers were genuine.

    Nothing like second guessing the Faithful and Discreet Slave eh!!

    I did alot of checking on the statistics of "anointed" before I left.

    Mathematically it simply dopes (edited. I meant does of course!! Freudian slip!) not add up.

    If the door was shut in 1935 (a point confirmed in a 1999 WT), then by being generous to the WT and saying that the lowest age of anointed ones was 20 in 1935 ( it must have actually been much higher than that on average, as 20yrs old would mean that they were born 1yr after 1914!!!) then the lowest age today is 87.

    The official statistics for partakers have show a steady shallow decline for 50yrs, with the occasional, convienient, sharp blip upwards(!).

    The official death rate statistics for an age group of average age 87 shows a sudden steep down turn to almost vertical. for every 5yrs added (bearing in mind that these are the youngest partakers from 1935)the survivors are almost nil.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    If you were to graph the number of Meorial participants for the past few decades, you would see a strong general downtrend that breaks in 1988 and becomes essentially a flat line.

    How would the WTS reconcile the memorial participation with the re-structured teachings about the "generation" of 1914? Tell me again, WHEN was the number "sealed"? Why? HOW?

    Aren't we due for a little new light on this as well?

    Or - - if they stick with the old scheme, what do they do when the participation reaches zero and the end has not come?

    - Nathan Natas, UADNA
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • LB
    there are only about 4000 genuine members of the little flock left

    This is something that the society has always had to deal with. It also leads to a lot of gossiphing about who is or isn't really annointed.

    Oh who am I kidding, everything leads to gossiphing.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • meat pie
    meat pie

    Well I am a bit confused, but I thought the general gist of the'new light' on the generation meant anyone who were contemporaries of those who saw the events of 1914.I have also heard of much younger people partaking and some were thought to be replacing the earlier ones who had 'fallen away'.At my old cong there were to very old ladies who hardly spoke and would not sit by each other, allegedly because one was annointed and the other did'nt believe she was. What a load of utter tosh this all is IMO.

  • D8TA

    WTBTS-"Yep, now it's 3000, ::looks at watch:: Armageddon should be here annnny second now folks".

    2010-"Yep, now it's 0 annointed, ::looks at watch:: Armageddon should be here annny second now folks".

    2025-"No annointed left people , ::looks at watch:: Armageddon should be here annny second now folks".

    2050-"Since the last speaker died, I have inherited his watch. We still of have no more anointed. ::looks at watch:: Armageddon should be here annny second now folks".

    2100-"Still there's no more annointed ::looks at watch:: . . . .

    The WTBTS ARMAGEDDON ENEGIZER keeps going, and going, and going....(exit small GB member dressed in pink beating drum)


  • GermanXJW

    If I remember correctly, Gerrit Lösch, annointed member of the Governing Body was born in 1943. The new member are all so young that the WTS had to emphasize that they are all of the annointed.

    I heard he used to be one of the Given Ones (Nethinim), so he did not partake of the emblems. But when his wife died he began to partake and - voilà - he is an annointed GB member.

  • singsongboi

    so -- 4000 left here...

    = 140,000 in heaven, why the hell, can't they look after things better down here?????

  • Xenu

    Br. Losch is still married and was married when he was appointed

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