CO want to talk to me

by goodsoul 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • goodsoul

    Meanwhile I am thinking about expediency of being faded vs being Df'd. What benefits it'f giving in perspective to help some family members? Those of them, who really value us as individuals(not only borg. members) anyway will keep contact with us. But what about those of them, who are indoctrinated so much, that not able to put their family`s binds under WT policies? Is there any chanse to help them being faded? They could treat us as untrustworthy.. And maybe to be Df'd has more power to show to other that it is possible to live without WT..And it worth to do so..
    Because for us- it's just a matter of formality- we will not go to KH, don't have any plans to talk to co-believers..We anyway in fact don't have any conversations with any JW. I don't want to talk anymore to any "friends" in borg..
    Maybe someone has his own expirience, what caused more influence to awake on your family members- Df'd or fading(and futher contacts)? Thanks!

  • BU2B

    Well goodsoul, congratulations on having the courage to stop attending the hall, how is your wife reacting to all of this?

    As others have said I think it would be better to not have anymore verbal contact with anyone, elders or CO. Email will suffice and this will enable you to make sure what you say is worded just right.

    Im so glad more and more are waking up, good luck on your journey, I think the hard part is walking away. You have done that.

  • Gorbatchov

    If they ask for an appointment, tell them: "I have to think about it, you will hear from me". It buys you a lot of time (in my case 3 years now).

  • goodsoul

    I update my news.

    I sent email to CO and I wrote something like: we have difficult time, elders don't understand and pushing us, I don't have what to say clearly for him or for any other elder. I don't want to talk to any other person about my believes and don't have intentions to meet with anybody, even with him, and ect. So, I know it is not exemplary for others and I need resign as an elder for personal reason.

    He replied, that he was talking to elders, they admit that I have some doubts and we not coming to meetings any more. He is sorry, that will not get a chance to see me this week, and tried to "encourage" me and assure that jehovah and 'friends' love us and remembered our fine works we have done. He assured me that he is ready to talk to me if something will change. Bible verse he stated were Hebr.6:10-12 and !!!! John 6:66-69. Ha-ha! Last ones I liked most! "..whom shall you go away to.." my dear friend I thought he meant. Real encouragement..sorry, intimidation.

    So I treat it as work is done. Tomorrow they will have their meeting with elders and I am free! Honestly, I don't really care about our status, since during last few months my skype list become five times shorter because my "friends" decided that us are bad assotiation. But anyway, it is not bad to not be DF'd and have option to talk to parents or any other JW in a future. I am sure, that those of them, who don't know about our position at the moment will be curious WHAT happened with you?!

    Thanks to everyone once again!(sorry for my english)

  • BroMac

    do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together....

    whom shall you go away to?....

    feel the love goodsoul, glad your out! thanks for sharing.

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