April 2013 Our Kingdom Ministry and other files

by Atlantis 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Prefect

    Thank you.

  • carla


  • blondie

    Thanks Atlantis and Vulcan and Petra

  • BlindersOff1

    Way to go

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Thank you Atlantis, Vulcan & Petra:

    One thing that I noticed that wasn't mention above was the conclusion:

    Jehovah wants you to be a member of his family of worshippers. You must obey the rules of the household.[1 Ti 3:14,15]

  • alecholmesthedetective

    Thanks a lot Atlantis, Vulcan, and Petra!

    This is an amazing combo. I know more about what really goes on in the Borg than I ever did in 9 years of regular pioneering and I guess 7 (I serioualy can't be asked to remember it accurately) of ministerial servantship.


  • leaving_quietly

    Londo, Jesus hasn't arrived, yet. That's part of the "new light" change at the Annual Meeting. This, to me, is bigger than the FDS = GB.

  • 88JM

    Thank you so much for all your hard work guys - it's much appreciated. I hope everything is going ok for Atlantis? Computer problems can be such a pain.

    edit: Oh wow I can't believe they are still going to advertise the District Convention? Even with the memorial campaign being twice as long as usual? They are gonna piss people off even more than usual this year with all those invites being posted through people's doors.

    Anyone else notice in that memorial outline it says of the 144,000: "they are all Christians" but the same is not said of the rest? Are they saying that the great crowd etc. cannot even be described as Christians now?

  • QC

    Well explained BobCat.

    The juxtaposition of a Christian MAJORITY watching passively a MINORITY few (often zero per congo)
    participate in the Memorial celebration (meant for ALL Christians) is clearly problematic. The eyeball
    test does not match the profound magnificence of the event.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    1st they illustrate the newly elevated "divine" status of the GB 2.0 on page 29 of the April 15, 2013 Watchtower (where they deliberately exclude all of the "anointed" that are part of the FDS)

    Then they remind everyone in the NEW Memorial Talk Outline 2.0 that only a few need apply for the Heavenly Hope...

    If this doesn't drop the number or partakers, nothing will...

    Armageddon will just have to wait...

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