Not meaning to sound sexist : In general are women more emotional/feel good about religion,and men more proof/doctrinal in their acceptance ?

by smiddy 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    I think it should be noted that this is what the WTS teaches their adherents.

    In my study, my conductor was telling me how women want to be loved; men want to be respected. (Quite honestly, I think the opposite is often true... but that would be a generalization that is also inaccurate. It does not matter if you are male or female; some need one more than the other, and some want both; and some could not care less) During my study, even though I knew that teaching wasn't right... I searched myself to find the emotional aspects of me, and was... 'oh, I can see that being true; and I said the same to myself about the husband. (Though I think in wts world, respect is a synonym for obey). To the point where I suppressed thinking about how important respect was to me, and just decided to try out the teaching.



  • TD
    TD noted studies indicating women gravitate to religion more than men, but that probably is always true of the weaker members in a society. We will not know if they are attracted to religion because of being women or because of their status as women for multiple decades. A possible indicator would be whether powerful, educated women gravitate to religion proportionally to powerful, educated men. That would militate towards the difference relating to status rather than gender.

    In a BASR interview, Marta Trzebiatowska (Co-author of the book, Why Are Women More Religious Than Men?) was quick to point out that a lot depends on how religiosity is defined. For example, a women engaging in charity work (e.g. Feeding the poor) because she believes that's what God wants is is fact engaging in religious behavior, even though in some religions, doctrine and attendence are given far higher importance and charity might even be marginalized.

    Although she cited Muslim religions as an example, that really struck a chord with me, because I've lost count of the number of times I've heard charity openly sneered at from the platform by JW's. (Which was the basis for my comment farther up the thread.) So I think it's a big mistake to view the greater religiosity of women as a negative.

  • Pickler

    I think there is emotion at the heart of both males & females as JW. Men get the rush of being head over 1/2 the congregation, they have the superiority of being elders or MS. They must feel they are doing gods work, at least some of them do.

    Later maybe this could work against them as they have the fear of not being able to make it in the real world, how many men stay in TT because their minimal livelihoods are tied to the religion. Particularly if they had no education, pioneered, to go from respect in one arena, to "loser" in the world must be awful.

    To make it clear, I don't think of anyone from our backgrounds as a "loser" I'm just saying, how a JW may appear to men in the world. To summarize, men's acceptance of TT may be influenced by emotion, their fear of making in the secular world.....they lose a lot

  • villagegirl

    Sorry Tater if I misread you. As for being accused of being a female Taliban, I won't bother to defend myself on insistence on equality for all. I am against Apartheid, in all its forms.

    I don't think men or women are locked into any special 'roles'. Jesus was shocking people all the time when he treated women just like he treated men, 'neither male nor female... but all one in the Christ' that was what He said.

    There are stupid women and there stupid men. The structure of the GB , if it were even Biblical to even have such a thing, and there is no Biblical support even for the concept, but if there were, it should be 4 men and 4 women all equal. Men spend a lot of time trying to justify "subjection of women", in the WT and other religious organizations, its takes up energy they could use more productively. Men who want to dominate women and others, who they consider "not in their class", always revert to accusing the opponent of such hierarchial views, as "Hating" them. For want of any real defense of their stance.

  • cofty
    For want of any real defense of their stance. - angryvillagegirl

    What stance?

    I haven't seen anybody on this thread suggest that men are superior to women in any way.

    I have seen you make sweeping negative generalisations about men.

    There have been some interesting comments about differences between the sexes which mostly have acknowledged that there are many exceptions to these trends.

    The bible consistently treats women as second class citizens. The foolish idea that a women should be in subjection to her husband comes straight from the NT.

  • smiddy

    Just to clarify a point if I may, in my op I am not stating either veiw is a fact.What I did say is, it was an impression I had while being a witness and the op is asking you for your veiws,asking a question,not stating a fact.

    I have appreciated your comments,some good discussion has been generated on the topic ,if I do say so myself.


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